First seen April 06, 2014. Last updated on October 28, 2017.

The credit card charge ECI TMJ ALICANTE 930 ALICANTE was first submitted to our database on April 06, 2014. It has not been reported by any users.

Have you seen ECI TMJ ALICANTE 930 ALICANTE charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen ECI TMJ ALICANTE 930 ALICANTE on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

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What people are saying...

Wioletta Sosnaik on October 24, 2017

Dear On the 29/09/2017 I have returned one skirt. At the same time I purchased the mail shirt for the same price. The dealer have made the charge on my credit card but at the same time she have made the return of the same amount on the same credit card. Unfortunately I can only see the charge of the amount 299,99 but the same amount was never returned. Thank you for your immediate action and return my money on my credit card. Thank you in advance Wioletta Sosniak MC EUR 545258******1217 29,99 EUR 6177-930 – ECI-TMJ ALI Date 29/09/2017 Card numer for the money return: 21109016650000000111128565

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Wioletta Sosniak on October 28, 2017

ECI-TMJ ALI Dear On the 29/09/2017 I have returned to your store one child skirt for the price 29,99 EURO. Which I have purchase two days before. At the same time I purchased the mail shirt for the same price 29,99 EURO. The dealer have made the charge on my credit card but at the same time she have made the return of the same amount for the return of the child skirt for the price 29,99 EURO on the same credit card. Unfortunately I can only see on my account the charge of the amount 29,99 EURO but the same amount of 29,99 EURO was never returned. Thank you for your immediate action and return my money on my credit card. Otherwise I will report the illegal charge and illegal income to the tax office in Alicante and they will have to make the audit in your store Thank you in advance Wioletta Sosniak MC EUR 545258******1217 29,99 EUR 6177-930 – ECI-TMJ ALI Date 29/09/2017 Card numer for the money return: 21109016650000000111128565

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