First seen June 26, 2014. Last updated on February 28, 2024.

The credit card or debit card charge VODAFONE NORTH SYDNEY AUS was first submitted to our database on June 26, 2014. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen VODAFONE NORTH SYDNEY AUS charge on your credit card? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen VODAFONE NORTH SYDNEY AUS on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

89% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Charge Information

Merchant Vodafone north syd (edit)
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Category Bills and payment (edit)
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What people are saying...

David kinder on September 26, 2018

Unauthorised charge on my cash passport multi currency card for $125 to Vodafone north Sydney. Made twice on separate cards.

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Lisa Quain on October 05, 2018

Strange, weird charge of only $1 to Vodafone North Sydney, my credit card has been scammed and the card was only replaced from a previous unauthorized transactions 2 weeks ago. We can only blame foreign ownership, as they put all us all at risk by giving our private detail to scammers in foreign countries, and unfortunately some of my Australian bills are paid to foreign companies, who require my credit card details.

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Cam M on October 08, 2018

I came across the same scam today. I was reviewing my account statements and found 2 transactions both for $60 each which were to VODAFONE NORTH SYDNEY. 1 was at 5:36am on Saturday morning while I was asleep, and the other was in August 2018 which I hadn't noticed until now. I have never used Vodafone and never plan on using them. I am in Vic. Reported to bank. The bank advised they would pursue and arrange refunds within 3 days from today. I also had to get a replacement card as a result.

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Steve on October 11, 2018

Overnight charge of $10 to my cc. Vodaphone North Sydney. I'm not in Sydney and don't use vodaphone ever. Also a simultaneous payment of $200 to Telstra shop. Spoken to bank and Telstra. Likely fraud.

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Megan on December 28, 2018

Had $30 taken from my account two weeks ago, only just noticed. I'm not even with Vodafone. The bank is investigating and my credit card has been cancelled.

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John on January 29, 2019

I had this happen to me - Amount was deducted around 2am. Reported to bank.

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Morgsy on January 29, 2019

23/1/19 three separate transactions for $3 each - Vodafone North Sydney on Mastercard Debit. 24/1/ a transaction rejected for insufficient funds - must have been a large attempt, no further details 23/01/2019 PAYPAL *CHENLIXIA93 4-00:00 -$100.00 25/01/2019 VODAFONE NORTH SYDNEY-05:20 -$10.00 This is an account I never use my card on, it is used only income direct credit and for DD of mortgage and car repayments, with the balance going to various transaction accounts set up for "barefoot investor" style budgeting and so the card transactions really stood out. Bank notified, second incident. Unfortunately last time they sent out an identical replacement card that I didn't realise had the same details. This time it will be a different card number, and since I will not be using it, I won't be activating it. Hopefully thats an end to the inconveniences it has caused.

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Peekay on February 04, 2019

4/2/19 I received a $3 transaction notification from Vodafone North Sydney on my Mastercard Debit card. I am not even with Vodafone and have no idea about the $3 transaction whilst I sitting in the office. Rang up the bank and they cancelled the card straight away. Bit of a hassle for $3 but I am sure they will try again.

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Sunshine coast qld on February 07, 2019

Not with vodafone but charged $7 on 31/1/19 by Vodafone North Sydney. Second time it has happened and we cancelled the card the first time. We suspect card scanners or keylogger in computers?

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Victoria February 12, 2019 Vodafone North Sydney on February 12, 2019

Haven't been a Vodafone customer in over a decade and haven't been to Sydney in a similar time. Two transactions of $60 at 5:37 and 5:39pm at Vodafone north sydney (pending). Tried to call the outlet but only able to get a 1300 robot and figured it was a scam (since I certainly haven't authorised these or been anywhere near the location). Called the bank, card cancelled to be re-issued. Pending transaction can take 10 days to clear, they will lodge the dispute, card takes a few days to re-issue. The biggest inconvenience is that while I can get cash I don't use it, I do everything online with the Mastercard Debit. This is for a Mastercard Debit which I use for online transactions and mostly keep $0 funds in until there's a valid transaction so it's like a clearing account. I never share the card, never use it physically that I can recall, use a computer with AV and a secure mobile phone (nothing is perfect but this is as good as it gets). Online I only pay via paypal wherever possible to get a further layer of protection and opportunity to refund. So the best targets of opportunity for the attacker are: 1. Insecure (non-compliant) retailer storage of card details exposed to hacker 2. Insecure (non-compliant) website interface stealing details exposed to hacker 3. Infection on (unsecured) user device 4. Direct physical access to user card Sadly, many retailers kid themselves by believing they can manage a secure website and store card details successfully, and there are weekly breaches published of evidence to the contrary. I'm very confident that it's going to have been one of the retailers that online payment processing is handled in-house rather than outsourced. The annoying thing is these are usually the bigger (more 'reputable') companies. Working in the IT industry I can assure you that the budget applied and skills available are always at maximum stretch to manage this kind of thing until a breach is identified and proved which can take a long time if at all. Could I be doing more, annoyingly yes, so the next level which I have been avoiding is to 1. one-time virtual credit card numbers generated by your financial institution that charge the transaction to your account and https://www.canstar.com.au/credit-cards/virtual-credit-cards/ 2. run a security check on website interfaces, refusing to use any that fail (point it out and possibly refuse to use the provider). https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/ *enter the URL you're about to enter your credit card details into The only recent and unusual item in the lead up was a door-knock campaign to change electricity provider for better rates, they were better so I said yes, and I seem to remember being asked for the CC number over the phone by their call centre and a credit check. This was just a few days prior on the weekend. The implication would be that their card handling practices are insecure and the details were stolen from them or the agents computer is insecure/infected, or the agent is involved in some way. Sorry for the excessive detail but I can see a lot of worry about scanners and loggers which while not impossible to rule out are less likely than the far easier to implement/manage; broken website security and poorly secured corporate database. These create a simple one-stop shop for the gangs to grab and sell in bulk. Don't use dodgy websites or companies if possible (they are cheap because they're not budgeting/funding their IT/security teams to prevent this kind of thing). Check/report/change provider to make it obvious this is important (it's incredibly annoying, inconvenient and expensive to all of us, we're paying the price that they should have in their security budget).

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Sheena on March 08, 2019

Yep same thing happened to me and I live in NZ! They took a random amount of $42.85 from my credit card. Reported to the bank.

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Craig Adelaide on March 25, 2019

Can anyone getting hit by this scam say whether or not they use Flight Centre or a Credit Card Rewards Program?

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Cindy on April 11, 2019

I was charged $60 from Vodafone North Sydney on 9/4/19 at 11.20pm on my Mastercard Credit Card. Didn't find out until my husband asked me about a $700++ transaction made on 10/4/19 from Coles Mudgee. I quickly checked my CC transaction and neither of us has purchase any services or products from either merchant. Called our bank and lodge a dispute. We rely on CC a lot as we don't like carrying much cash. This is gonna be a difficult weekend for us until the new bank card arrives.

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Steve on May 04, 2019

I have this exact issue. I have NEVER dealt with Vodafone in any way. There is only one card, and I have it safely in my possession 24-Apr-19 – my Mastercard charged $30 by Vodafone. Spotted it in my on-line banking. Was after banking hours, so I reported the transaction to my bank by phone 30 minutes after the transaction. Then reported again in-branch next working day on 26-Apr (25th was a public holiday). Bank says I must cancel the card before transaction can be disputed. Replacement card will take 7-10 days. Currently my card is very busy and I cannot cancel the card until 07-May. In the interim will block my card via the bank's app. Unblock the card when I need to use it, then re-block. 01-May – Vodafone attempted to charge same card $40. Because the card was blocked, transaction was declined. Called bank and advised that Vodafone is not authorised at any time. Bank noted this on my file. Obviously from this thread, the issue involving Vodafone is too co-incidental, needs to be investigated

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Jas on May 09, 2019

About $170 taken out last evening (8-May-2019) around 7 pm in small small transactions $1 and $10, all with merchant name VODAFONE NORTH SYDNEY from one of our debit card that we hardly use. Bocked the card. Bank will simply dispute it.

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Arat on May 14, 2019

Just noticed that this has happened to me. On the 8th and again on 9th of May. Luckily I didn't have much mo ey one the account. So frustrating. Cancelled card and making charges.

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Nell on May 30, 2019

3 x Vodafone North Sydney charges on 27th May. Thankfully they only add up to $64.00. Reported it to St George and their fraud team.

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Gordo on June 08, 2019

Just spotted a charge Vodaphone nth Sydney $10 on my cc it was not me as I pay NO BILLS ONLINE WITH CC. if It is Fraud the store MUST be involved

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Jitend on June 27, 2019

An unknown transaction occurred on the 10th June by VODAFONE NORTH SYDNEY where $30 was deducted from my account via debit card.

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David on June 29, 2019

Same scam...but trying to report it to Commonwealth Bank hopeless...gave rung 9 times now...all our operators are busy bull!$^#.

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Phillip on July 07, 2019

Do you all use Kogan Prepaid Mobile? I spotted a Vodafone North Sydney charge on my credit card statement - wasnt sure where it was from until I remembered I bought a Kogan Prepaid voucher on the same day as the charge. Same figure. I believe Kogan mobile uses Vodafone North Sydney for their payment system.

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Nicole on July 10, 2019

Had 2 x $50 transactions from Vodafone North Sydney on our business debit card this afternoon within half an hour of each other. Called the bank and had the card cancelled The bank advised that there has been an increase in these fraud transactions all with Vodafone as the merchant

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Sydney Person on July 11, 2019

$30 debit, reported to bank, card reissued, not sure how my CC number was compromised

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Melbourne on July 13, 2019

$50 transaction with Vodafone North Sydney on July 10, 2019. I have never used Vodafone.. Bank cancelled card, and will investigate.. My card was on file with a few online retailers.

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Melbourne on July 15, 2019

$60 transaction from Vodafone North Sydney. Reported to Commonwealth bank who will investigate, card cancelled.

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Mel on August 08, 2019

Noticed a charge on my card on Sunday 4th of August at 12:28am from VODAFONE NORTH SYDNEY. Took out $46.90 from my account. Bank said I will need to cancel my card in order to raise dispute.

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Jack on September 05, 2019

$60 transaction from Vodafone North Sydney on 24 Aug. Reported to Commonwealth bank who will investigate, card cancelled.

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Toni on September 16, 2019

Yep, $40 on our credit card at 4am Sunday morning. We have nothing with Vodafone so went straight to CBA, who cancelled card and disputed.

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Lim V on September 20, 2019

Charged 3 times by Vodafone North Sydney on 9th, 18th and 19th Sept

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Wendy on September 23, 2019

Vodaphone Nth Sydney $30 debits x3 from one account, $30 x2 from another after wallet was stolen.

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Beee on September 26, 2019

Vodafone Australia North Sydney. Two $50 payments minutes apart. The thing is I dont use the physical card, I use Apple Pay. Locked the card, disputed with CBA.

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Chris on October 03, 2019

Charge made after leavign card behind the bar, charges appeared around same time.

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Sydney dweller on November 04, 2019

Charged by Vodafone North Sydney 6 times from 23Oct to 27Oct 19 totaling $220 on my CBA Mastercard. Reported to CBA and card has to be replaced.

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Tegan on December 12, 2019

Found transaction for $20 exactly on my business card. never and not with vodaphone as well as i dont live in NSW. locked card and bank contacted.

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Luke on December 18, 2019

Same thing happened to me today, I noticed two pending transactions from VODAFONE North Sydney. I am with the "real Vodafone" for my mobile phone. So these two unauthorised transactions nearly fooled me. Im surprised they are still allowed to get away with trying this scam on.

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Sad Lady on December 18, 2019

On hold with bank right now actually. My debit card has 5 separate pending transactions atm. 2 for $100, 1 for $56 and 1 for $496 all just today and yesterday another 1 for $100. Crying inside because it's Christmas next week and well....there goes my children's presents😥😣

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Unlucky Chap on December 20, 2019

Looked to check how much money I had in my account to see -$40.00 deducted from Vodafone North Sydney... read this thread and thought how this scam is still working to this day :( Called CBA immediately, cancelled card and issued a refund.

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Jeff on January 14, 2020

24.49 taken from my card. Exactly the same Vodafone North Sydney.

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David on January 23, 2020

Card details stolen from Christmasworld.com.au then a guy called Mossa used it to rent a truck, buy pizza and then I got debits from that Vodafone fake store. The account name Vodafone but it's not Vodafone behind. The whole things is links to the owner of Christmasworld.com.au

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Linda on February 7, 2020 on February 13, 2020

$1 "check" amount, then $50 taken form my credit card by "Vodaphone North Sydney NSW". I live in Perth, and don't use Vodaphone.

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Ella on February 13, 2020

Had $3 taken from my account from Vodaphone North Sydney NSW. Never had a vodaphone account in my life. I have noted they all seem to be from MasterCard accounts.

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Kay on February 19, 2020

2 x $60 transactions deducted from my card (still in my possession) for VODAFONE NTH SYD. Do not hold any current Vodafone accounts. Card cancelled and reported to bank. Apparently was used for credit top up on a phone.

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Farmer John on February 24, 2020

These scumbags tried to steal 80$ from me. If one of you scammers read this: You should have charged way more, because my bank account is loaded and I am mental, happy to make it my new life mission to track you ^$#!erz down and put you in jail! I start with a police report but I will also get lawyers involved. You will end on the Street you dirty pigs!!!

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CBA Customer on February 28, 2020

Reading all of the reports above, the common thread here is the Commonwealth Bank. My husband and I both had several $10 transactions made to VODAFONE NORTH SYDNEY, for completely separate accounts, on debit cards that have never seen the light of day and are sitting at home in the cupboard, never once used. The card details aren't even recorded anywhere for the info to have been hacked. One account was Business and the other was Personal. When I called CBA to report the transactions, they instantly decided the case in my favour and processed the refund with no investigation. I suspect this is a known issue.

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Krizty on April 10, 2020

Is it all linked to Commonwealth bank...... Coz I'm reading a lot of these people are with them so who is at fault... Vodafone is just a popular alais so it goes un noticed to the average customer and if this scam has been going since 2014 how is Commonwealth bank allowing it to still happen?

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Donna on June 30, 2020

Had a vodafone North Sydney transaction 23rd June on mastercard, never purchached anything from Vodafone!! North Sydney, CBA want me to cancel card before opening a dispute.

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Carina on July 01, 2020

$222.00 in multiples of pending deductions of $10.00 and $1.00 vodaphone North Sydney and Milsons Point from my CBA debit card yesterday and today

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Shanya on July 18, 2020

This the third time in 2 weeks, I had cancelled my card and haven't even received the new card yet but 2x transaction of $10 from Vodafone North Sydney has already happened with the new card that hasn't even activated (so far I think I'm up to about $200 now). The dispute was easy, I got all the money back but having to call Comm bank, again and again, is not ideal. I think this is a Commbank issue now, they really need to sort it otherwise I'm going have to move to a different bank.

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Fatima on July 26, 2020

I have been charged in amount of $65.89 several times since 2017 from Vodafone north Sydney, I have disputed past charges, changed debit cards, and the bank (westpac) did give me back refunds. but these fraudulent transactions keep coming through regardless and it is really frustrating.

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Andy on August 05, 2020

3 out of the last 4 months this has happened to me amounts of $120,$78 & $78 last week , what %*&!es me off is that i have had to tell the bank and they say sorry (Westpac) they promise to investigate but &#*$!% all happens until you receive a payment 6 week later. this is the final straw for me changing banks now. How are these A holes still getting away with it and yet the banks do nothing. Rant Over

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Gao on August 12, 2020

Three unknown transductions to Vodaphone North Sydney Starting on 31 July 2020. The amount were 50,10 and on 8 August 450/- from debit card. Will report to Commbank Branch tomorrow. Emptied the effected account.

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Ray on August 13, 2020

A $30 charge today on a business debit card, which was only issued to me 2 weeks ago . ./ I have the Card & it has never been given out to anyone. Dont even deal with Vodaphone. Card stopped & CBA Bank is disputing for us .

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Paul on August 17, 2020

3 amounts pending Vodafone N Syd $150 then $1 then $150 - I'm not with Vodafone but wife recharged son's Vf credit prior to noticing first charge (just coincident, not related). Didn't click with first withdrawal attempt as thought it was legit with timing. Cancelled card - not sure where they got my details

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Annoyed on August 20, 2020

Two seperate amounts taken out of my bank overnight by Vodafone north Sydney $200.00 then $378.75 then two $0 testing from DoorDash.com.au and two $0 testing PayPal.. cancelled card waiting for money back

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Tim on September 02, 2020

Scammed on Aug 11 2020 by VODAFONE NORTH SYDNEY AUS

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Jas on October 07, 2020

Had $30 comes out from Vodafone North Sydney. Never used this service in my life. Called CommonwealthBank and I had to have my bills account shut down. I would like to know how and where these people got my card details.

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IP Freeley on October 09, 2020

Yes, this happened to my in laws today. A number of $50 transactions from Vodafone North Sydney have been made beginning September 2020 until yesterday. Also charges pending from Menulog and others. Can't believe the banks haven't sorted this out. This scan has been going on for years.

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Margo on October 24, 2020

Scammed 10 October 2020 VODAFONE AUS NORTH SYDNEY AUS First they deducted $5 than $35 and $15 all on CBA cc had to cancel card which is very annoying. Got my money back but very inconvenient. Why can't CBA do something about it, maybe block these people.

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Mick on 28-October-2020 on October 28, 2020

Scammed 28 October 2020, "Vodafone Australia North Sydney", $10. Reported to bank, have to cancel Debit Visa card. Painful, as it's a work card for one of my staff, who never uses it online anywhere.

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Daniel on November 02, 2020

I recently had dealing with Vodafone and had to go through an Indian call center!!! I was suddenly charged $1 to "VHA MILSON"! When I typed this into Google it came straight up as a Vodafone scam! Never trust an Indian!!! The !&$^%#*s are parasites!!!

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Veronika on November 24, 2020

Our CBA credit card details were recently compromised and new cards issued. First bill I paid with new card was outstanding Vodafone bill. I then went to check my credit card online to double check any other direct debits I needed to sort out, only to find $1 charged to VHA Milsons Point! I have literally had my new card in my hand for 10 minutes, have only paid the one bill and already my new card is compromised. The weak link here is Vodafone!

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David on December 06, 2020

Had my card for 30 minutes to change my direct debits and already there is an unauthorised payment that links back to Vodafone. Going to have cancel card again. If this is how Vodafone operates than I will be changing my provider asap.

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Bonnie on January 05, 2021

My card was scammed, stopped, and replaced. Earlier today I called vodafone to change my direct debit details and spoke to Yussef. I just checked my statement and an unauthorized $1 was taken out of my account. Now I have to go through the whole process again. I agree that the weak link here is Vodafone. Time to change.

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Bonnie on January 05, 2021

It seems that in my case Vodafone charged an authorisation fee when I changed my cc details. It would have been nice to have been told this at the time. Why is there a $1 charge on my credit card? That's because the $1 charge is actually a temporary preauthorization from your credit card company, basically giving the merchant the green light to charge your card for the full amount when your final purchase is made. By preauthorizing your card $1, they don't have to place a larger hold against your account Hope this is some help. Cheers.

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Lou on Jan 6 2021 on January 05, 2021

I bought a $10 prepaid for my mum to practice on a new smart phone but to activate it i had to give cc details. This was to top up if staying with vodafone. I ticked the 'no' box but saw the $1 vha milsons point transaction today. I searched and found all your complaints. I just cancelled my cc for a $10 fee but it seems worth it!

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Billy Warrington on January 15, 2021

I only attempted to sign up to get NBN for my house and when I check my account the next day I had a $1 transaction on my account for VHA Milsons point and I didn’t even get approved for the NBN so now my card is cancelled ( and it’s only a debit card) Vodafone u r the weakest link and should be investigated and even charges bought forward for the party’s involved

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Fiona on January 29, 2021 on January 28, 2021

My first CBA MC was hacked. We got new cards today. I linked my card to Vodaphone for payments. I noticed half an hour later a VHA Milsons point $1 transaction. On the phone to the bar re this scam to cancel cards. Looking at changing phone provider. Also keeping an eye on CBA. Why don't they have better systems to stop this especially a flag when there is a known dodgy company.

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alaz3r on February 01, 2021

when you link your CC to voda they do i verification withdraw for $1 to verify your card , this will be credited back so nothing to worry about.

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Paul on February 01, 2021

Scam...$1 took from my master card by AHA Milsons point, after a day I contacted to Internet Kogan for plan cancelation, Kogan operator asked me for master card number, expired day to refund my credit further more he asked my security number on card.... I refuse it because that is security one.... I immediately locked my card....

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Joe on February 02, 2021

I also got scam $1 by AHA Milsons point. More worrying is more scams charges to come. Need to contact my bank to cancel card as I become deeply concerned.

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Chris on February 02, 2021

Scammed 28 and 30 January, "Vodafone Australia North Sydney" $10 each time. On 31 January the $1 scam from AHA Milsons Point. Have reported to CBA and have to cancel Visa Debit card.

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Courtney on March 02, 2021

Well stupidly I've just realised I'm part of this scam, being a Vodafone customer for 5 years and recently noticed $20 being withdrawn on a fortnightly basis. I'd put it down to extra data but noticed it was every fortnight when looking back at statement. Spoke with Vodafone to find out that they had not been taking the $20 via direct debit as I had stopped this process 3 years ago and was paying my bills via BPAY. Called bank they said it goes back to October 2020 but after thorough searching it's gone back to June 2019, wow how stupid am I single mum not checking, then covid-19 happened. So now my card has been cancelled aswell as my account being changed $740 later let's hope I get it back. Annoyed at myself and at the scumbags who think it's ok

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Melanie on March 21, 2021

I have had 4 x $1.00 , come out of my account from Vodafone, be careful with this mob, not a lot of money I know, but it's still wrong of them

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Yas on March 24, 2021

Got charged $10 by "Vodafone North Sydney" in March, have not been a Vodafone customer for about 9 yrs and never with this current Citi card. got card cancelled and replaced by bank.

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Frank on April 17, 2021

Tried signing up to Vodafone prepaid with $2 sim pack from wooljerks seymour victoria4 times and lost 4x1$ takes all my personal details and bank details then says error come back later note i tried to port over my phone number.

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Imogen on May 21, 2021

I’ve been with NAB Banking for 5 days and in the past 5 days VODAFONE NORTH SYDNEY has made 3 transactions of $1 out of my account. Before being with NAB I had a prepaid card, this transaction never occurred during the time of having that card now since Monday 17/05/2021 I have transactions coming out, it started happening just hours after setting up this account, who’s fault is it here, NAB’s or Vodafone? If it is a scammer then why have they not taken larger amounts out? Why only $1 transactions?

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elizaveta malkova on June 01, 2021

Got charged $10 by "Vodafone North Sydney" in May, never been at Vodafone customer .....why?

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Rob on June 07, 2021

It's legitimate. I updated my Vodafone debit card details for me and my niece online yesterday and they charged me $1 each time. Telstra do it too. So it's legitimate but it's also a ripoff!

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Dan on June 08, 2021

07/06/21 Fraudulent Transaction for $3 - Vodafone North Sydney on CBA Mastercard. Not with Vodafone. Have reported to bank and cancelled cards.

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Adelle on June 15,2021 on June 15, 2021

Two fraudulent transactions from ‘Vodafone North Sydney on CBA Credit Card’. Not with Vodafone. Grateful to read these statements about the scam! Thank you!

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Crissy on July 15, 2021

Just noticed a $30 Transaction from Vodafone Australia both hubby and I aren’t even Vodafone customers never have been and we are with commbank!!! Who the hell do these ppl think they are stealing money from us all

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Glenn on July 19, 2021

Just had the same as all above. Looks like a pretty elaborate fraud if it's still going on after 3 years!

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Joy on August 04, 2021

I was doing the bank reconciliations and noticed an unusual transaction on hubby's CC. He uses it for work and always gives me the receipts. On 29/5/21, he was charged $919.94 by House, Melbourne. If he bought an appliance or some homewares for that price, he would've remembered. The transaction was 1.13am so that was the first alarm bell. 29/5/21 was also charged $250 from Vodafone, North Sydney. We have all of our devices with Optus and have never purchased from Vodafone. 31/5/21 Hertz Melbourne, 2.35am for $774.64. So obviously, the card had been compromised. ( I didn't discover any of this until the end of June.) 6/6/21 Vodafone North Sydney, $50.00. And then yesterday (pending) Vodafone North Sydney for $45.00 It's a CBA visa card that I now have to cancel and dispute those transactions. It has direct debits set up for the business, so cancelling the card will be a pain in the arse. I am tired of grifters, scammers and spammers taking up chunks of my time to sort their messes out!

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Cameron on August 08, 2021

I received a text message from CBA saying there was unusual activity on my account today. I log in and about 6 transactions totalling in around $800 from Vodafone North Sydney were in pending. I'm not a Vodafone customer so definitely fraud transaction. Called the bank, card cancelled and reissued and dispute will be lodged by CBA once the transactions are out of pending and money refunding hopefully shortly after. Be careful people!

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Andy on August 13, 2021

Just had this happen to me last night. Had a $10 charge from Vodafone Australia North Sydney. Couldn't reach my bank, but after reading these comments I blocked the card. While I was asleep there was a blocked transaction for $313.81. Not sure how the scammers got my card details. If I had to guess it's probably a data breach. Thank you to everyone above that has posted to help others.

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Grayham on August 21, 2021

Same situation as above, three transactions, 20 + 40 + 40 with a $1 VHA MILSONS pending

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Ali on August 25, 2021

Just had this happen to me two transactions $250/- each in just a week. Already spoke to bank representatives, although they've blocked my card but second transaction still goes through. I don't know how? It's becoming a pain in @$$.

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Ben on November 26, 2021

There seems to be a sizeable amount of people who have commented on the fact that they have had money taken/stolen from their bank accounts without their permission & knowledge.

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Henry on December 03, 2021

Vha $1 charge occurs when you update the expiry date of your credit card with Vodafone. It will be credited back to you. However, it's pretty stupid when Tatts lotto , who do the same verification process, charge a $0 (zero) amount for credit card expiry date update...And, why Vodafone designate Vha as identity of the charge instead of its full name which would not confuse customers, is beyond common sense and open to scammers.

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Brian on December 09, 2021

Last night $10 vodafone nth sydney debit.happenned at 19:54 whilst i was on a phone call.never used vodafone.

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Brian on December 09, 2021

Actually came up spelt SYDNE on transaction list.reffered to bank fraud squad

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Brian on December 09, 2021

And got bank to use courier to deliver new card to branch,instead of regular post.this bloody card was only 3 months old and regular posted to me.

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Ramya on January 25, 2022

From last three months $10 is deducting from my account what is this vodafone north Sydney

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Krishna on January 29, 2022

Wasn’t using the bank account for a while and got the same issue like everyone else. $10 debited in the name of Vodafone Australia north Sydney.

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Troy Chee on March 19, 2022

I have just been scammed $4000 and the bank is not sure

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Nancy on April 02, 2022

I was just checking my account when I noticed Vodaphone north Sydney was debiting my account. This account is a construction account don’t know how they could of got our credit card number. Anyway on the 15/2/22 an amount of $49.70 was taken out, then on the 15/3/22 another amount of $49.75 was taken out, then on the 29/3/22 another amount of $50.20 was taken out. A total of $149.65 has been taken. I will be calling the bank to report these scumbags & hopefully I can get the money back.

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Anon on July 05, 2022

I have been charged by Vodafone North Sydney $100.00 in total between February-June 2022. I have a mobile plan with Vodafone and missed it initially thinking it was my phone bill. Have contacted CBA. Vodafone confirmed it wasn't them.

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I have been getting $55 charges on my credit card statement every month for about 18 months. I have cancelled and renewed 2 credit cards, and been reimbursed for about 10 months from my credit card company, but no idea how to stop the recurring charge. I don't have any vodafone accounts

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David on October 06, 2023

Just saw Vodafone north Sydney charged me 250 dollar. Never use Vodafone before.

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Grant King on February 28, 2024

I get charged 45 aud same day every month. I live in Vietnam, do not have vodaphone.

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