First seen April 26, 2015. Last updated on February 05, 2018.
The credit card charge LESSONNINE BERLIN DEU DEU SCHOOLS AND EDUCATIONAL SERVICES NOT ELSEWHERE CLASSIFIED was first submitted to our database on April 26, 2015. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.
Have you seen LESSONNINE BERLIN DEU DEU SCHOOLS AND EDUCATIONAL SERVICES NOT ELSEWHERE CLASSIFIED charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen LESSONNINE BERLIN DEU DEU SCHOOLS AND EDUCATIONAL SERVICES NOT ELSEWHERE CLASSIFIED on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!
Merchant | babbel (edit) |
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This is a charge from, an on-line language-learning program.
My checking account shows a charge of 26.00 by LessonNine Berlin DEU in March 2016. What is this charge for? I enrolled in Babbel based on a one time charge. I wish to disenroll.
Anch'Io mi sono trovata un addebito di €19.95 in data 2 Marzo 2016, da me non autorizzato! Nel 2015 ho seguito un corso con adeguato pagamento a Babbel , poi NON RICONFERMATO.
I have never asked for any lessons in German, but You have taken from may bank 48,00 euro. I asked for a Spanish course from Babbel and have payed it i february but never asked for a course i German. Please return my money and check if you have taken more money from my account. This is a very serious mistake. I cannot trust in You any more if You are taken money from my account.
I had registered for one time course but babbel charged me twice as an auto renewal which I have not set and do not know anything about it. I want my 500 NOK back.
On May 5, 2016, I had a charge of 43.94 on my Mastercard. I never bought anything from LessonNine Berlain. Please remove from my Mastercard bill. Thank you
On the 1st of June 2016, you charge me of 19.95 Euro without my permission if i agree!! I have never asked for any lessons in German.Please remove it from my Mastercard. Thanks in advance.
C'est la deuxième fois que LessonsNine Berlin prend de mon compte le montant de 33,3€ sans mon demande et sans mon permission.Je ne comprends pas ce qui se passe. J' attends dès explication et je veux de me retourner mon argent. E-Mail
Ho trovato un addebito non autorizzato sul mio Conto PayPal di €33,30 per rinnovo di un corso scaduto il 19.09.2016 da me non rinnovato, come risulta chiaramente sul mio account di Babbel. Prego la restituzione di tale prelievo.
On 23rd May you charged me 33.30EUR on my Mastercard. I have never bought anything from LessonNine.Please return my money!
Ho trovato un addebito non autorizzato, del 6 agosto 2017, sulla mia Post Pay, di €19.95. Io non ho mai richiesto nessuna lezione in Tedesco. Prego la restituzione di tale prelievo; in mancanza, mi rivolgerò alle Autorità.
Please remove my name from your Babbel subscription list
he recibido de ustedes un cobro con fecha 01/29/18 de $ 44,70, lo cual no pagaré por un curso de Alemán que no tomé, por favor sáqueme de su lista de Babbel.