AT&T Q400 0418 TX US

First seen January 22, 2015. Last updated on June 19, 2020.

The credit card or debit card charge AT&T Q400 0418 TX US was first submitted to our database on January 22, 2015. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen AT&T Q400 0418 TX US charge on your credit card? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen AT&T Q400 0418 TX US on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

89% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Charge Information

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Phone 3473921412 (edit)
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What people are saying...

Christian on April 11, 2016

A purchase with this name was recently made on my debit card for about $174. This purchase wasnt me and i am working on getting it fixed.

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2016 June 21 on June 21, 2016

I just had this "merchant" POS DEBIT AT&T Q400 0418 DALLAS TX charge my account $154.85 I did not authorize this charge. I don't even have an AT&T account nor did I buy anything from AT&T.

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Suavi on October 04, 2016

I have the same problem from Turkey. :@ AT&T Q400 0418 DALLAS TX 03/10/2016 153$ I did not authorize this charge. I don't even have an AT&T account also i didn't buy anything from AT&T. It is really interesting that i have never been used my credit card in INTERNET.

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James on May 23, 2017

I have just received this charge on my card as well. It was for $212.49. We do have an AT&T Account but never use this card to pay our bill.

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Tamara on October 06, 2017

Just got a charge for $264 on my account for "POS DEBIT AT&T Q400 0418 DALLAS TX" which I did not authorize. I do not have anything with AT&T, nor have I ever. I called my bank and they placed a stop paymetn on the transaction.

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Melanie on January 17, 2018

There has been 2 charges pending from this AT&T q400 for 107.99. Bank of America contacted me right away and took care of it.

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Vinoth on April 12, 2018

I am from India and i don't even know what At&t is.. But i am charged with $217 from my Citi credit card(India)

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Santhosh on May 08, 2018

Hi All, Today morning I just saw message from CITI bank about a transaction of $225.05 USD and it's a online transaction made at AT&T Q400 0418. But I never used AT & T and I have raised this to the CITI bank. They are working on this dispute. Please let me know what is the resolution you got at the end. I can see that it happened with few of the CITI customer.

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Gaurav Garg on June 03, 2018

Hi All, I am using CITI bank credit card, Two days before someone did transaction of $161 USD and it's a online transaction made at AT&T Q400 0418. But I never used AT & T and I have raised this to the CITI bank. They are working on this dispute. Please let me know what is the resolution you got at the end. I can see that it happened with few of the CITI customer. Citi band should do something for get rid off this type of fraud.They should give us a permanent solution

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Nageshwar on june 07 2018 on June 06, 2018

Hi All, same thing happened on my CITI bank credit card, 07/06/2018 12:59 am someone did transaction of $208 USD and it's a online transaction made at AT&T Q400 0418. Im not sure about it and never used AT & T and I have raised this to the CITI bank. They are working on this dispute. Please let me know what is the resolution you got or is there any status of this case from citi bank . I can see that it happened with few of the CITI customer. Citi bank should take some necessary action on this type of issue and there should be more security.

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LAKSHMIKANTH on August 16, 2018

Hi All, today through my credit card has done two transactions made AT&T Q400 even I don't know this how it happened without my permission and I don't know how to claim/recover this amount. I called city cust serv and I blocked the card and they told that they will take necessary action and they told to dispute this issue and took 7 days time to resolve but I'm not sure what will happen. Could anyone suggest that how you guys are solved from this fraud transactions?

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Norma Purcell on September 19, 2019

I am charged on A&TV400 FOR $70.00. Ido not have at&t. My phone number is 336-627-4501.

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Carlos on June 19, 2020

I got this last week and immediately locked my card. Thankfully the bank is taking care of it. Later I found out that 2 other charges were attempted but denied because the card was locked.

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