First seen January 12, 2015. Last updated on October 25, 2017.
The credit card charge LETHERBY & CHRISTOPHER FOLESHILL was first submitted to our database on January 12, 2015. It has been deemed not suspicious by our users.
Have you seen LETHERBY & CHRISTOPHER FOLESHILL charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen LETHERBY & CHRISTOPHER FOLESHILL on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!
Merchant | Ricoh Arena (edit) |
Website | (edit) |
Phone | 08448736500 (edit) |
Category | Hospitality (edit) |
Description | Click to Add |
We just found a transaction on our bankign for £99 which was actually spotted by the bank. They closed down the transaction stopped our card and refunded the £99. I think they are scammers. Not sure how they got my CC number. It was showing up as 7437 14FEB16 , LETHERBY & , CHRISTOPHER , FOLESHILL GB on my bank statement. BE WARNED !!!
I just found a charge on my Citibank card as LETHERBY & CHRISTOPHER FOLESHILL GBR for $1034.00! Filed a complaint.
Yeah, I got a bill on my credit card marked DOMESTIC FOLESHILL LETHERBY & CHRISTOPHER . I laid a duck egg and cancelled my card and kicked off big time, only to find out this is the name used by the RICOH HOTEL at Coventry............DOH!
Got a charge for Leatherby and Christopher. However noted it is a bona fide charge for food purchased at Ricoh Arena in Coventry.
it is the restarant in ricoh arena coventry.