First seen February 13, 2022. Last updated on April 28, 2024.

The credit card charge MBM*ECOV was first submitted to our database on February 13, 2022. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen MBM*ECOV charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen MBM*ECOV on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

91% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Charge Information

Merchant Mbm Ecov Ca (edit)
Website http://www.oldtimeyebooks.com/ (edit)
Phone (702) 718-6974 (edit)
Category Click to Add
Description My initial charge $.99 was for a Depression era cookbook and then they charge you $18.99 a month for some access to cookbooks. Call 702-718-6974 to cancel your subscription. This was my order... Recipe Tour Level 1 every month until you cancel.Ecovaler Level 1 is $0.00 for 21 days. Starting on 01/17/2024 your credit card will be charged $18.99 per month for Ecovaler Level 1 every month until you cancel.My Recipe Rewards is $0.00 for 28 days. Starting on 01/24/2024 your credit card will be charged $17.99 per month for My Recipe Rewards every month until you cancel. (edit)

What people are saying...

Elmer Jones on February 13, 2022

auto withdarwal from my ccount

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Will on March 23, 2022

I have had several 'mysterious' charges withdrawn in the past, starting a few months ago. I requested a new card with a different number and have changed my bank access password. This morning I wake up to find this charge, for the same amount of $19.95 (Mbm*Ecov 725-2085526 Ca) auto-withdrawn. I'm getting a tad %*&!ed that this is allowed to continue and may have to close my account and open a new one.

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Sharon Smith on January 16, 2023

I've had several unauthorized charges from MBM*ECOV 725-208-5526 CA, OBO INC 702-7100933, & HPD VISTA CA. They all seem to stem from the same scam company, from an initial offer of a 99 cent e-cookbook offer from various ads on games & such. In the very fine print, there's a note about the monthly charge of $19.95, although it turns out to be 2 payments of $19. Luckily, I play my games on my tablet -- if it were on a phone, the text is probably too small to read. Weirdly, I didn't actually purchase the e-cookbook itself. Once I saw the fine print, I cancelled the transaction but somehow I'm still getting charged. (I've heard of this happening with others, too). I'm getting a new card & hoping that takes care of it.

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melissa Sass on March 28, 2023

i join the group that have contacted you about a recurring charge. I want this to stop and refund for three months.

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Lenny on April 06, 2023

Same scam for me too! Also same scam from "OBO INC" during the same time as MBM so check your statements!

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Tanya on July 01, 2023

I have had this charge many times now, changed my card and still comes up. WTH

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RBSmith on July 25, 2023

This is a company that lures you in for $.99 for cookbooks and magazines. I apparently did not return the cookbook that they supposedly had sent me in a set period of time. So, they have charged me $133.77 for a cookbook I didn't get. I called the company and the person I talked to was not rude, but not real either. She cancelled the subscription for which I didn't get, but would not refund my money.

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Ebook books on August 09, 2023

Facebook ad

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G.W. on September 20, 2023

I was charged $19.95 for a 99 cent offer. I cancelled the order but was still charged.

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Rose on October 15, 2023

MBM*ECOV 725-208-5526 CA took $19.95 out of my checking account without permission

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Beth Otlowski on October 19, 2023

Can't stop the charges

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MBM*ECOV on October 27, 2023

I was charged $19.95 and am still unsure who this merchant is.

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Julie Cain on October 27, 2023

I just got this charge on my charge card. I did purchase a .99 cookbook, but did not see this $19.95 note, and I never received the cookbook.

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Sandy L. Carling on November 01, 2023

I only bought one thing from them. And they have been charging ever since.I have called them many times to cancel even got a new credit card. But they are still charging me. I called them again they said they wood. Turned around charge me last month and a again this month. they owe me 48.95 for last month and the same amount this month. I donot know what to do? My bank wants to charge me to cancel each month.

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Kristina card on November 04, 2023

19.95 was charged to me that I did not authorize. When I called they said it was for a cookbook that was emailed to me. I did not order this nor did I receive anything. When I spoke to them to get my money refunded they tried to talk me into accepting 50% of my money back. Then when I did not agree they tried offering me 75 % of my money back. I stood my ground and insisted on a full refund. I am now waiting to receive my refund.

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Bill Parish on November 17, 2023

Charge to my account unauthorized

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Marlene Harvey on December 11, 2023

MBM $19.95 on11/20/23 Fraudulent.

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Alicia Jones on December 17, 2023

I have no idea what this charge is

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Debbie Barbier on January 02, 2024

MBM 725-2139579 CA OK--I HAVE THE SAME ISSUE! Did you find anything out? NO idea what these charges are.

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Mbm ecov on January 25, 2024

A number of with draws from ecov have no idea who they arebfn.

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Wendy Cone on January 27, 2024

My charge was for $18.99...I've had to cancel my card and go thru 10 acts of hell..it's BULL!$^#

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Larry R Draper Jr on January 30, 2024

I was just informed by my bank PNC that a $19.95 charge has been repeating since November!

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Kristi Parr on February 04, 2024

I was charged $18.99 on my debit card. I have no. Idea who MBM*ECOV is

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Elizabeth Daniels on February 06, 2024

2 charges appeared on my debit card statement. Jan 8th $18.99 -725-2085526 Jan 21st $19.95 -725-2139579 WHAT IS THIS ??

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Todd on January 17, 2023 on February 06, 2024

This was my order... http://www.oldtimeyebooks.com/ Recipe Tour Level 1 every month until you cancel.Ecovaler Level 1 is $0.00 for 21 days. Starting on 01/17/2024 your credit card will be charged $18.99 per month for Ecovaler Level 1 every month until you cancel.My Recipe Rewards is $0.00 for 28 days. Starting on 01/24/2024 your credit card will be charged $17.99 per month for My Recipe Rewards every month until you cancel. For any questions, call Customer Service at (702) 718-6974 (US/Canada) or +1 (702) 718-6974 (International).

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Sheryl Pelland on February 06, 2024

Show as a charge on my credit card 4865. Was not an authorized charge.

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LISA on February 15, 2024

I just saw a charge for $19.95 on my bank statement. I have no idea what it is. It says magazines, books, subscriptions.

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Kevin on March 02, 2024

I recently had a charge for $17.95 to MBM ECOV. Have no idea who they are or what they supposedly sold me. It is highly suspicious

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Rolf on March 04, 2024

We just got off the phone with our credit card company -- were able to get 2 charges removed as fraudulent ("HBD" and "ECZ") and have contacted the company "RCC" (phone number 725-208-5989 in California, zip code 92081), who finally said they would reverse the charge, but we're not holding our breath. We cancelled that credit card.

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Sharon Pritchard on March 06, 2024

This place also took money from my account I don't even know who it is and how they even got my information to swipe at 4:30 in the morning is beyond me

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gregory l jackson on March 09, 2024

it was placed on my card 03-6-2024 18.95 also a charge from rvr was placed on 02-29-2024 19.95

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gregory l jackson on March 09, 2024

they are also using the name RVR, just be careful ordering from social media

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Deb on March 24, 2024

This appeared on my card today, March 24, 2024

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Kimberly Walker on April 09, 2024

I have never purchased anything. Originally it was for a $.99, E cookbook that I never flowed through with the purchase and I'm still getting charged. Would like all monies refunded

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Sheila on April 28, 2024

They charged on my card between 4--4:59 am while I'm sleeping.

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