First seen July 04, 2016. Last updated on January 08, 2022.

The credit card or debit card charge OFFICE LONDON INTE, LNDN EC1V 9BP GB was first submitted to our database on July 04, 2016. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen OFFICE LONDON INTE, LNDN EC1V 9BP GB charge on your credit card? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen OFFICE LONDON INTE, LNDN EC1V 9BP GB on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

78% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Charge Information

Merchant Office UK (edit)
Website (edit)
Phone 0330 100 1906 (edit)
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What people are saying...

QIAO SHI on July 04, 2016

8429 29JUN16, OFFICE LONDON INTE, LNDN EC1V 9BP GB. I didn''t but anything but 146 pounds have been paid from my card. Can I get the money back?

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J Harmer on November 11, 2016

Bought a pair of shoes from this company on line and shown on my bank statement as Office London Inte. This is a large internation company.

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D Salt on September 25, 2017

Saw a transaction for £145 with Office London Inte...immediately called my bank who, upon short investigation, saw that the transaction had taken place using a different phone to mine, albeit same make, and therefore was fraudulent. They immediately reversed the transaction.

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Dan on February 09, 2019

It's Office Shoes shop. Possibly bought shoes or trainers Online

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Karl on January 08, 2022

Payment taken out my account, pending at the minute but halifax won't stop Payment. They know its fraud

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