First seen February 03, 2015. Last updated on December 26, 2024.

The credit card charge PAYPAL *LEXICO LLC was first submitted to our database on February 03, 2015. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen PAYPAL *LEXICO LLC charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen PAYPAL *LEXICO LLC on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

62% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Charge Information

Merchant Mongoloidkhulmikuki (edit)
Website (edit)
Phone 9402597530 (edit)
Category Lexicon and Vocabulary Research (edit)
Description The Khulmi Kuki-Chin Mongoloid Tebitan indigenous groups of peoples the westphalian territorial sovereignty integrity of Ethnic community of the equality of historical, custom, culture and traditional integrity. The Democratic Republic and Diplomatic Alliance of Kuki-Chin (DRADAOK) And the Helping Oppressed People's Environment (HOPE) had been Accredited with the United Nations General Consultative Status with ECOSOC on 15 October 2015 in order to obtain an Achieving Sustainable Development Goals 2030, for the communities of Khulmi Kuki - Chin Mongoloid Tebitan groups of an indigenous peoples in Indo-Myanmar and Indo-Bangladesh. Get registration of your Community to United Nations Permanent forum for Indigenous(UNPFI) through Democratic Republic and Diplomatic Alliance of Kuki(DRADAOK) and represents your community to United Nations and prepare for UNDRADAOK conference 2021 LUNKHOPAO @ PAUL HAOKIP PRESIDENT cum SECRETARY- GENERAL Helping Oppressed People's Environment(HOPE) Democratic Republic and Diplomatic Alliance of Kuki (DRADAOK) United Khulmi tribal cum Linguistics Research institutions(UKTcLRI) Khulmi Linguistics cum Khulzeam development(KLcKD) Gospel for Mongoloid(GFM) Contact No. +919402597530, +919862496049 Gauhati, Assam, India Email ID: Website :- Please visit DRADAOK Links General Consultative Status (edit)

What people are saying...

Mike on September 14, 2017

You purchased something on JVZoo or WarriorPlus.

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Mahafuzur Rahman Nayan on April 18, 2018

how do it

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Daily Earning on June 30, 2019

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Citations on August 27, 2020

I have no freaking idea what this is and I got a charge for $162! I wish the merchants would be more identifiable - what a mess!

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Phyllis Rodgers on September 08, 2020

What is the product for lexico LLC. I have paid over $500.00 via paypal and I am not sure what this is for. I need to know. Please respond. My email is

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Anel Forrest. december 23 2020 on January 06, 2021

charged me 55.03 refund it

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eldon vickers on April 03, 2021

found $75.00 charge through paypal to lexico llc.where would this come from?

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful on November 07, 2021

Free workout & diet meal plans

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Roy on November 08, 2021

I got an email from you guys that said. Congratulations Looking.

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Patrick mcduffee on January 19, 2022

Received 3 charges with no valid reason for a purchase,about an 80 dollar hack.

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:Tia- :Beaufort on August 05, 2022

this was on my paypal acct no idea! but they are still receiving all of my payments from work that i was interested in online! sneaky !&$^%#*s

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Ray Coots on September 24, 2022

No idea what this is

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Lexico on October 12, 2023

I haven't a clue why I am being charged here. This is the email on the charge and name Mario Guzman

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Rob T on October 12, 2023

To PayPal: I've recently come across two unauthorized charges from Lexico, LLC on my account. After some research, I found on that this entity has been involved in questionable activities since 2015. I'm concerned about the security measures in place and hope that this feedback prompts a review of such transactions. Over the past few years, I've felt a decline in the service quality from PayPal. I trust that this issue will be addressed promptly.

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João Viegas on October 26, 2023

Lexico LLC is one of the companies of Mike Lantz, which is the founder of WarriorPlus. This means that you can be charged by this company if you purchased some WarriorPlus product. On the other way, it is also valid when you receive some affiliate commission, which was my case.

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Ernest Hughey on November 22, 2023

It just showed up as an auto pay

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Arlie G. Lammers on December 17, 2023

Lexico LLC and Mia Kamada should NOT be charged to me. Please Cancel or do not bill me again for these two. Thank you

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Estelle on April 15, 2024

Three $19.00 charges have shown up on my account; the last one today. I did not order this service and want my funds back.

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Kimanne Ferguson on June 24, 2024

I don't know wh0 lexipro is and I know I didn't get anything from that company.

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Frank Adriaenssens on December 18, 2024

Referentie factuurovereenkomst B-1UK54819M6641164K Naam webwinkel Lexico LLC

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stella regine KAMENI on December 26, 2024

$6.97 USD and $14.90 USD all in the same day December 2, 2024.. I bought nothing from them, it seems they were hidden behind a certain offer what a scam!?

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