First seen November 19, 2022. Last updated on July 24, 2024.

The credit card or debit card charge ORGANIZAC TOROMAIMA TO CCS NOROESTE MIR was first submitted to our database on November 19, 2022. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen ORGANIZAC TOROMAIMA TO CCS NOROESTE MIR charge on your credit card? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen ORGANIZAC TOROMAIMA TO CCS NOROESTE MIR on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

94% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

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What people are saying...

Theocracidal on November 19, 2022

3 charges : 11/15/22 504.87 VES 11/14/22 14209.48 VES 11/14/22 14209.48 VES

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Benny on November 22, 2022

Yes it is a scam for sure I am on my mobile to the ANZ Bank in Australia as we speak cancelling my credit card …

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Joanne on November 23, 2022

Yes they stole from me ! Stole $74 using my debit card number , and then tried to steal $1200 - which I did not have in my checking account so the charge was denied and I was notified of the denied charge. I immediately called my bank and froze my card and now I have to get my $74 back.

Helpful 5 2 Not Helpful
Matt on November 26, 2022

They stole $2,600 from me

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Ann on November 27, 2022

Suspicious! Charged my card last nov 22 just cancelled my credit card 10 mins ago

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Bec on December 03, 2022

Pending charge for $188.35. Have cancelled card.

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Tony (NZ) on December 05, 2022

Took a total of $350 of me in two transactions. Card cancelled. !&$^%#*s.

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Nathan au on December 06, 2022

These pricks have stolen almost $4000 Australian dollars from me

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Anders L on December 09, 2022

they stole two times 1740 dollars from me on one day alone. Never heard about them and didn't do anything suspicious with my account

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anon on December 13, 2022

scammed two times about $600 total yesterday

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Khan on December 15, 2022

They stole 4000 dollars on 15-12-2022

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Daz on December 20, 2022

Charged $5,403 against my card on 19/11/22

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Urs on December 20, 2022

they tried to take more than 1000 Euro from my card, luckily card provider denied it. No idea how they got my details

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Aaron on December 21, 2022

Scammed $1852. !&$^%#*s. Reported to Commbank now

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Donna on January 10, 2023

Scammed 31/12/2022. Large amount taken out business account. How are they getting our details, I never buy online, card and account only managed by myself? Reported, case open, card canceled. South Africa, Absa Bank.

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Gordon on January 10, 2023

An elderly friend ( 93 years old ) rang us last night ...Told us that $ 1,927.39 Australian was taken out of her Acc on the 13 December 2022 an extra $ 57.82 International Transaction fee. All the money was refunded by the CommBank in full on January 10 2023.

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Crystal on January 11, 2023

These scammers took AUD $1,821.93 from my account on the 25th of December I only noticed it now and am on the phone with my bank to try and get my money back Didn't do anything out of the ordinary with my card either.

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caroline on January 12, 2023

Got a pending charge for AUD$920 from them on 12/1/23. Notified bank and cancelled my card. Hopefully pending charge doesn’t go through and is reversed.

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henry Louis on January 26, 2023

stole $300 in two transactions. commmonwealth bank australia

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Rom on January 27, 2023

Stole $206 from cba on 26/01/2023

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henry louis on January 31, 2023

Further to my comment above. I disputed this transaction with cba and received a full refund.

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nick on February 09, 2023

tried to steal $100 with intent to steal more blocked it with CBA straight away be warned

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carly on February 20, 2023

The charged my card in Singapore, $276. Not sure how they got my bank details. Bank is giving a refund.

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may on February 20, 2023

they charges approx $700 to my card ! & it went through . called UOB & they said it will take them approx ONE MONTH to investigate & give a refund

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Kang on March 17, 2023

I found a suspicious deduction amounting to $394.42 from my card dated 17 March (today). I was sure it was not authorised as I did not make any purchases at all. Called UOB they froze my account with immediate effect. This incident has taught me to check my bank transactions regularly on a daily basis.

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Day on April 17, 2023

They stole worth 1200 SG dollars when i use my card in grocery and mall hope the UOB will do somthing about this.. Howncome the anti fraud security canmot beat this

Helpful 1 3 Not Helpful
M. Hossen on April 19, 2023

First transaction, they took S$563 from my debit card and the second transaction, they took S$680 so I immediately called the bank to cancel my card. These are the !&$^%#*s.

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03May & 05 May on May 08, 2023

First transaction 03May, $415.24SGD Second transaction 05 May, $378.14 SGD Called the UOB, they said they will take 45-90 days to investigate. Just hope to get my money back.

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RayNathan US on May 31, 2023

Charged to my CC for $93.94 and a foreign currency transaction fee of $1.87. Card cancelled!

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Amber on June 07, 2023

6th May 2023 got scammed $705 SGD. immediately called UOB to cancel card, UOB said they will investigate. Refunded me the amount on 26th May 2023.

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Kenny on August 24, 2023

Yes my card was charged $357. Chase declined the charge for me. Frickin scammers.

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Natalie on August 24, 2023

Tried charging me 361 dollars today. Luckily my bank stopped it and cancelled my card.

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Karma Bites on August 27, 2023

The beignets scam usually used by a vindictive contact of your connections

Helpful 1 3 Not Helpful
Karma Bites on August 27, 2023

The attached site is usually used by a vindictive contact within your establishment and if not by others associated DO NOT USE THIS SITE.

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Teresa on September 09, 2023

I got notified by credit card of 84.95. Most recent use on this card with through GetYourGuide service. Connected? Not sure. Card canceled!

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HG on September 10, 2023

as of 9/08/2023 my debit card was charged $908 so I called my bank. they say it’s from an airline charge, the country is Venezuela.

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Leah on September 14, 2023

Tried to hit my husband's card for 600 bucks. Chase luckily stopped it and canceled our card. I don't know where they got it from I always use PayPal.

Helpful 2 3 Not Helpful
CM on September 16, 2023

Yes, they tried to charge $79.91 today. Thankfully Chase declined the charge and notified me. Unfortunately, have to cancel the card and go without access for 5-7 days while I get my new card and number. I hate scammers!!

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BHO on September 21, 2023

I got hit by the same charge today -$98.96. How is Chase account always the target?

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None on September 21, 2023

SCAM! $229.25 charge on my debit card.

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no on Sept 22, 2023 on September 22, 2023

How are they allowed to keep getting away with it? Caught it for 47.40 (I am sure that was a test amount) - the card has been shut down! I see this going back as far as Nov 2022

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no on Sept 22, 2023 on September 22, 2023 on September 22, 2023

plus they did it under my alert amount - might have to change that!

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Ralph B on September 23, 2023


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Stephanie Huynh on September 28, 2023

Just got charged $69.12. It's a Chase account. Does this only happen w/ Chase?

Helpful 4 3 Not Helpful
Scammers on September 30, 2023

Got scammed today. Chase didn’t stop them

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Rochelle from USA on October 20, 2023

They somehow hacked my debit card and stole $64.83 and $2.04 in foreign exchange fees. Fortunately, my bank reimbursed me.

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Jimmi on October 23, 2023

Fraud charge on my debit card

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Michael on October 23, 2023

Got a notification of fraud today.. $86.71 from my Chase bank account.. Jos are they still able to do this.. Goes back at least a year according to the posts on this page

Helpful 2 3 Not Helpful
MA on October 26, 2023

They attempted to charge $64.60 to my debit card. Chase declined the charge.

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Janie on November 01, 2023

Saw a charge of $68.20 on my Chase debit card. It was pending and I asked Chase to reject and submit a claim

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Dan on November 03, 2023

Unknown charge on 9/11 for $88.11 and $2.64 service fee.

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Stephanie on December 08, 2023

Saw a charge of $80.27 and service fee of $2.50 on my Chase debit card. I filed a claim on this .

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Z on January 06, 2024

~$50 charge straight to checking account. Chase didn't stop it. Called and they canceled the debit card.

Helpful 2 3 Not Helpful
Chris on January 08, 2024

Saw 2 charges to my business account for $52.31 and then a foreign exchange for $1.56 on 1/4/2024

Helpful 1 0 Not Helpful

This company is continuing to attempt to take money out of our account. They've recently taken $160. There is no contact number for them at all. We want our money back in our account. The bank says this is a air line company located in Venezuela and they were able to use a pin number.

Helpful 2 1 Not Helpful
D on January 11, 2024

Just got notified that they tried to charge78.93 on my account. Closed card. What a hassle

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L.D. on January 13, 2024

"Chase Fraud: We declined $111.24 with card ending XXXX at ORGANIZAC TOROMAIMA TO. Was this you? Reply YES or NO. If yes, you will not be charged unless the purchase is attempted again. If no, we will close your current card and send you a new one that you should receive in 5 to 7 business days." Getting a new card now obviously, but how TF is this company doing this?? I'm SO CAREFUL and never use my actual bank debit card for anything, except occasionally my car loan or insurance. I always load Cash App or Venmo or PayPal with only the amount I need in the moment. This has got to be investigated by the authorities b/c I literally have no clue how my card number was leaked anywhere, unless there's been a breach which hasn't been reported yet at my insurance company, car loan company, Cash App, PayPal, Venmo, or perhaps Klarna, Zip, Affirm, or Afterpay. Ughh, yes quite the hassle indeed, but at least it was blocked by Chase. So it could have been worse, like having to fight to claw back the money like some others who have commented here before me.

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Phaneus on January 18, 2024

I was notified by my financial institution via email when this POS transaction occurred. I see it in my transaction log as pending with few details. I did not see an approval alert for it in my SMS which is strange. I promptly called customer support to report a suspicious transaction and locked my debit card associated with the account.

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A.T. on January 18, 2024

Chase Fraud: We declined $352.33 with card ending XXXX at ORGANIZAC TOROMAIMA TO. Was this you? Reply YES or NO. If yes, you will not be charged unless the purchase is attempted again. If no, we will close your current card and send you a new one that you should receive in 5 to 7 business days. Msg & data rates may apply. Only used card once online at biBerk insurance and bam! Luckily Chase blocked it.

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JrG on January 18, 2024

Charge of $50.15 on my chase business accnt

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Dee on January 27, 2024

This company pulled 74.00 from my card. Interestingly, right before this happened I received a strange robo call asking me, if I would accept a call from Tom xxx. I said yes, because I had literally just applied for a job on I thought I was getting a digital call from a recruiter. With that being said, it is possible that the scammers are using phone calls, texts and/or may be even emails to get you to say yes to communicate. Once you say yes, you may be agreeing to allow them into your phone via verbal confirmation, text and/or email communication. After this happens, the scammers may use technology to get into your phone and hack your mobile banking (and financial institution) applications. It's really scary, because they can continue to conduct transactions through your phone and authorize withdrawals like it's you through this back channel method. This type of hack has gained momentum over the last two to three years and most people don't know about it. With that being said, I immediately removed all my banking applications from my phone. One thing that I find troubling is that it appears the one common thread here is that most people have Chase accounts. That means there has also to be a serious vulnerability with Chases' Cybersecurity features. I hope this is helpful for people.

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Dee on January 27, 2024

FYI- As a follow-up, here is a link to an article about how to Mobile Banking App hacking. I hope this is helpful.

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just me on January 31, 2024

Chase Bank its not blocked I have pending transaction from ORGANIZAC TOROMAIMA I just just called them to cancel my card

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Joy on February 01, 2024

I just discovered this charge this morning. You’re right, it’s with Chase. Somehow their system is breached.

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Ron D from Illinois on February 02, 2024

I just got hacked from my Chase account as well. They are cancelling my card too. Here's what it was: Feb 1, 2024 ORGANIZAC TOROMAIMA T CCS NOROESTE

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Shannon on February 26, 2024

On 12/7/23, I received a charge of $120.37 from "organizac toromaima to ccs noroeste" with a last 4 digits that are not on my account. I disputed this with Chase on 1/30/24 to do an investigation by 2/01 they already denied and sent the same info you can find on your account page. I have never purchased airline tickets with my account. I called to reopen the investigation and they said they will have someone call me in 5-6 days to let me know "IF" they will reopen this. This is so frustrating.

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Gladys on March 04, 2024

They tried to charge my bank 87.47 and I thank God my bank has fraud alert and alerted me of this fraudulent transaction.

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Jane on March 06, 2024

I was also scammed out of $75.91 from this company. The bank canceled my card, but they didn't give me my money back saying that the company resubmitted the charge. I wonder why Chase hasn't taken action yet and blocked these charges, given so many complaints.

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Angelina Delaney on March 14, 2024

showed up on one of my accounts in September of 2023

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STEVEN on April 02, 2024

A charge of $71.32 was tried on March 2nd, 2024. I was notified via Chase email and was able to have the charge denied. It was attempted in Francs.

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Leo on April 17, 2024

this charge showed up on my debit card twice, for $40 and again for $38

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Kat on May 02, 2024

Charged my card for $52, trying to dispute with bank now (not Chase, small credit union). Listed charge as Organizac toromaima tours CCS noroeste. followed by a charge for international transaction.

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Danielle on May 20, 2024

They got me for $124.30 18th May 2024, have cancelled my card and bank says it MAY take 21 days to get back! I only leave money in this account for automatic payment of bills so they have left me short the @$$#*!&$

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oneleaf on June 07, 2024

Tried to charge $65.14 on my Chase MCD on 06/06/24. Got SMS that they had denied transaction.

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Steve on July 13, 2024

Regions Business Check Card: Transaction from an Airline in Venezuela with the same ORGANIZAC TOROM code. Small 58 charge pending. Card cancelled now. Keep eyes open for these scammers. Card was used 1 time by myself in a year. So there is the starting point to find the breach.

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Nina on July 19, 2024

Regions Business check card: Received a call from Regions asking if I tried to spend $267.75 at ORGANIZAC TOR with business card ending in ####. I have used this card ONE time this year. I spoke to Regions fraud department, they blocked the transaction. They told me that this is a phishing attempt. Check all your bank cards & credit cards!!!

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Barnicle Bill on July 20, 2024

I caught this one pending, $64.53, notified Chase Fraud. Not today amigo. POS DEBIT ORGANIZAC TOROMAIMA TO CCS NOROESTE

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Arthur on July 24, 2024

they charged my company debit visa card for $135.28 received notification called in disputed and changed my card what a pain.

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