First seen October 27, 2014. Last updated on October 21, 2024.
The credit card charge PLANET FITNESS MONTGOM MONTGOMERY IL was first submitted to our database on October 27, 2014. It has not been reported by any users.
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This gym is the worst don't waste your time go down the street to jacked gym and be respected. Wear do I start 1 always waiting for Equipment (need more) 2 Needs real Management never anyone at the front desk! 3 gang members workout with there guns on 4 none follows dress codas 5 bath rooms are a mess all the time (flush the toilet Please 6 the distressful members who come and go as thy please 7 Creeps around harassing women video tapping me wile working out 8 cameras don't work any wear inside or outside 9 had money took out of my bag 10 had to call the police because some one was foiling me in the gym and home! So if you don't what to get raped or shot I would look somewhere else to workout Cops are there all the time just last week someone was yelling at the girl none even stopped to help her so you go at your own risk