First seen May 26, 2019. Last updated on June 08, 2024.

The credit card or debit card charge POS DEBIT USCC CHICAGO IL was first submitted to our database on May 26, 2019. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen POS DEBIT USCC CHICAGO IL charge on your credit card? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen POS DEBIT USCC CHICAGO IL on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

82% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Charge Information

Website https://prepaid.uscellular.com/login (edit)
Phone 888 449 9400 (edit)
Category US Cellular Prepaid Phone Payment Site (edit)
Description When paying for services via the US Cellular Prepaid site, this is what is charged to your card when pay with debit or credit. They also charge a fee of approximately $4.15. (edit)

What people are saying...

Brain Pasquine on May 26, 2019

288.45 was deducted from my debit card. RETURN IT IMMEDIATELY. THANKS.

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randy on September 08, 2021

USCC SS PREPAY CHICAGO who are these thieves? $80 from my account! this isn't over! watch for these thieves folks they randomly will take your money!

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Steve on December 13, 2021

Yes 70 bucks I am %*&!ed

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Jack on March 31, 2023

Two charges on my credit card totaling over $80. Called them up and got a robo sales pitch for a health alert device to wear around my neck. No charge, no postage. Just " a small monthly charge" which was not disclosed. Eventually got a live person to listen long enough for me to say "I never ordered this. I never heard of your company. I don't want this". Then she launched into another nonstop sales pitch that only paused when I shouted her down. She gave another number to call to resolve my situation, and it was a repeat of the nonstop sales pitch!! On the fourth attempt, I got some guy to suspend his motor-mouth pitch long enough for me to ask for the number of his supervisor or anyone in authority. He could not or would not comply, so I told him I would be reporting his company to my state attorney general. The final proof that this company is a scam came when he called the company by a different name than the previous 3 pitchers. My solution is to have these charges reversed by my card company, and talk to my state attorney general's office.

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DKC on July 28, 2023

I don't know if this company is used by other payment systems, but I know they are used by US Cellular Corporation when you pay for prepaid phone services. I have a US Cellular prepaid plan, and when I pay for services at the US Cellular prepaid site this is who credits my payment on my card statement. They also charge a service fee of $4.15. My payment was $40. My total was $44.15 total. The company is legitimate.

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Rodger Boots on August 03, 2023

Made sense when I read DKCs answer. US Cellular Corporation Self Service. (At least in my case).

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Katheryn N Perks on November 29, 2023

They charged me twice.

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Jessica Marquis on December 10, 2023

PREPAY CHARGE OF $43.15 from USCC SS Chicago, IL that randomly showed up on my statement and WAS NOT done by me. I've never used US Cellular btw. Am reporting card compromised and requesting refund for unauthorized charges. Called to report company.

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Carol on January 04, 2024

Turns out this is US Cellular - their phone number is 888-944-9400, NOT 888-449-9400 -- per my CC company, someone made an obvious data entry error.

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Barbara Vaughn on March 11, 2024

On March 4 2024 I see a charge of 67.44 I didn't make this charge. I don't have the so called card so now what

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Jeanette on June 08, 2024

I got a $75.41 charge on 6/6 - I dont have us cellular

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