First seen March 19, 2022. Last updated on February 12, 2025.

The credit card charge PURCHASE ONLINE PAYMENT LONDON GBR was first submitted to our database on March 19, 2022. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen PURCHASE ONLINE PAYMENT LONDON GBR charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen PURCHASE ONLINE PAYMENT LONDON GBR on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

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94% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

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What people are saying...

aboki on March 19, 2022

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Sophya shaw on December 12, 2022

I’ve had $100 taken from my account it’s very suspicious Please ring me asap

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Julian Plaatjies on April 24, 2024

You charged me like more than 15 times in one week on my bank account. What is this for?

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Debra K Chimelak on December 29, 2024

Ordered an infinity digital game board that was advertised on Facebook as Wayfair but after placing order received order confirmation from lorrettajot6p@hotmail.com which was the red flag! Contacted Wayfair fraud dept and they confirmed the order number was not a Wayfair order number and the order was deceptive and fraudulent. Contacted my credit card fraud dept and after charge clears they will investigate. Emailed lorrettajot6p@hotmail.com asking her to cancel the order and any subscriptions she added me to fraudulently. Sent everything including the ad itself to Facebook to investigate and remove

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Ron TeSelle on January 30, 2025

Looks like I fell for the fake Wayfair as advertised on Facebook as Debra C. did above on December 29th. Mine was for a Litter Robot 4 and the purchase invoice looks very authentic except for the contact email at bottom was enidb8166@gmail.com. I have been in contact with the real Wayfair and was told the order number (2024122933737800) is way too long for one of theirs, guess I'll be getting ahold of my credit card company next to report Fraud.

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Robbie Moreland on February 09, 2025

I am not happy with you people I placed an order and never got it but you got my money and I want it back

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Mary S. on February 12, 2025

Order Ugg boots and slippers from what I thought was Nordstrom Rack, but later after contacting them found out it was not a site of theirs and was out $100 dollars. So beware of email address enidb8166@gmail.com.

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