First seen June 04, 2024. Last updated on February 17, 2025.
The credit card charge RCH* NOO8552206638 SAN FRANCISCO CA was first submitted to our database on June 04, 2024. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.
Have you seen RCH* NOO8552206638 SAN FRANCISCO CA charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen RCH* NOO8552206638 SAN FRANCISCO CA on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!
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I don't know what this charge is for, AMOUNT - $107.95
RCH* NOO8552206638 SAN FRANCISCO CA $199.89 _ NO IDEA
$82.77. I do not know what this charge is for
This charge is on my Chase Freedom account!
I didn't know why my credit card bill was so high then I found this $101.75 charge - all I can find online regarding it is this scam alert. The only difference is mine says RCH*KET8552206638. Any advice about the easiest way to get this reversed?
How do I get my bank to reverse this Double Charge???
This is for the NOORO stem device - they have a monthly plan for the gel.
I have this charge on my credit also it is a scam
I have this charge of £49 99 each month on my debit card despite cancelling with them. Bank cannot help till it is paid and then no money back. This could go on for ever if I cant get some help to be able to contact this company
I have 2 charges 8/22/24 $59.85 2400077KV000FVD4D $199.85 2400077KV000FV808 8552206638
Need a refund
I appreciate any assistance RR this matter
This has become a monthly charge regardless of my having previously cancelled it. It is for "KETO gummies"
found an automatic charge on a credit card for RCH ketoripped of 149.89. Have not signed up for any auto shipped products. Need help stopping payments and sending future shipments.
RCH* KETORIPPED HTTPSBUY.WITH CA I have been charged 3X from this company and have not gotten any product or signed up for any auto-ship charges. Can someone here help me recover? What do I do?
I had a charge similar to this. It said *YES########. It is a fraudulent charge. I notified my bank immediately. Not sure how they got my number. I do try to be very careful ordering from the internet.
Charge of 159.00 on my card did not order anything >
Gummies. Did no good. Called and emailed to cancel, even canceled my cc.
My credit card was charged 199.85 on 8-31-24 from this company. I did not authorize this charge. There was a phone number to call but it was Medicare's phone number. That number is 855-220-6638
saw this on my card have no idea how it got on there for 199.85 need this turned over to the attorney generals office
Charging me when I don't order
RCH* HARMONASHOPHARMONA-SHOP. CA US I have no idea what this is, but has appeared on my bank statement several times. What is so strange is there is no way to contact them.
did not charge
12-15-2024 RCH-KETHEALTHCHECK $199.85 San Francisco, CA 8552206638 12-15-2024 RCH-KETHEALTHCHEC $59.85 SanFrancisco.,CA 8552206638 12-10-2024 HBHEALTH Clifton, CA $199.85 8552206638 11-9-2024 HBHEALTH Clifton, CA $149.88 Charges made to my ALLY CREDIT CARD. Identified as a scam and I reported it as fraud to my credit card company, which is going to get me refunded. I asked for a replacement card. What's crazy is I never lost my card or loaned it to anyone. I looked into this on the web under "What's my charge" it stated it was a scam. When I called the phone number listed with charges it was for information from Medicare. I'm only 60. Not even on Medicare! Under other comments on here the same charges and company number and name match up with my information. Hope this helps others. Thank you!
My Citi mastercard had 2 charges on it from RCH on 12/4/24 totaling $186.61! I live in Mass. and have not had any business connections to your hospital! My Citicard was charged twice for payments of $59.85 and $101.75, total of $161.75!! I have cancelled this card and would like to have a reimbursement check sent to me at 59 Boylston St, Randolph, MA 02368! I have opened a new card # so please send checks to my home address 59 Boylston St Randolph, MA 02368 Phone me at 781-961-3227 to let me know that you received this msg!!!
I live in Randolph MA and have not had any contact or dealings with your hospital! Have changed to new Citicard, so please send check to my home address: 59?Boylston St. Randolph MA 02368
I was erroneously charged for services not rendered! I live in Randolph, MA O2368
Been charged $31.60 on DEC 24 dont know what its for
I did not order anything for $199.85 on January 4 or $59.85 on January 3 This is a scam! I do not intend to pay
This charge appeared my bill. I do not know what it is or why it is here. I did not purchase anything from them in a long time and I did not like what Idid get and asked to be deleted from them
On my cred,card statement . Charge of over $100.00. Still don’t know what for. Card co. Investigating.
Even now I am having trouble trying to notify you. On Feb 4th I noticed an ad on my computer for an elliptical and thought it might be of help to my medical condition so I ordered it. After trying for 20 or 30 minutes to send my order I gave up and decided to cancel my order and deleted All my personal info. Today I got my charge card bill and noticed a charge for $115.95 for no reason. Please refund my charge card for this full amount, cancel my order and delete ANY and about me, sending me confirmation of same! If I don't hear from about this dead account I will have to contact my DA, Mr. Josh Kaul, for help disposing of this charge. I am awaiting your confirmation that I am made full from this charge. Shirley Gulvik