First seen January 04, 2015. Last updated on March 18, 2025.

The credit card charge RUMBO MADRID ESP was first submitted to our database on January 04, 2015. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen RUMBO MADRID ESP charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen RUMBO MADRID ESP on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

69% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Charge Information

Merchant rumbo madrid esp (edit)
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What people are saying...

Wolfgang on September 11, 2018

Airfare booked at Ryanair

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Andre on oct. 10 2018 on October 21, 2018

No info, no action but an amount taken on credit cart.

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Annamaria Palmisano on April 27, 2019

io non ho autorizzato questo pagamento,qualcuno ha rubato soldi sulla mia carta

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Michael Messenger on March 17, 2020

I received this charge on my credit card after booking and paying for a hire car from Ace Rental Cars based at Sydney airport. Booked via Bravofly

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Glow on March 31, 2020

Airfare booked with Ryanair

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Mike on October 13, 2020

my creditcard was charged, I have no idea of any transaction, obviously a fraud /I asked my bank for a refund and blocked creditcard immediately

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Sophia on August 11, 2021

I was charged without booking or buying anything! What is this?

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Louise on August 26, 2021

My credit card is being drained 56.60 dollars every week and I have no idea why? What is this theft?

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Koko on September 23, 2021

I have received 50 euro from RUMBO MADRID ESP ! What the hell !!

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Nica on September 28, 2021

RUMBO MADRID? Yes they charge or took my suppose payment for hotel booking! 🤬

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Sjoerd on November 05, 2021

lastminute​.com use appartenly also this name on your creditcard

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Erik on February 07, 2022

Bought air fare with my bravofly

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Matthew on May 31, 2022

I was worried about this because I forgot my other card wasn't accepted and I booked a flight. Took a while to remember the flight charge because the name is so much different than the place I booked from.

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Guntar on June 07, 2022

Bought air fare through bravofly. It took 7 days for the charge to show in my credit card account. I did call the credit card, I was told that the brafofly charged my cc. Still strange why it took so long for it show up and the person I spoke to said that bravofly charged it but on statement it show "RUMBO MADRID ESP", looks suspicious.

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Guntar on June 07, 2022

Looking at website it is very similar to bravofly. Looks like the same scam basters :)

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Maud on July 10, 2022

Booked a flight (Aer Lingus) to Ireland. Flight got cancelled but I still haven’t received anything back.

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S.P on August 03, 2022

this is a scam wed site currently fighting with my back to get back my money after booking a flight with them that I receive no itinerary,

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J.D. on August 18, 2022

Booked a flight on Air Asia, thru Bravofly.

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A. Kelder on January 16, 2023

was confused initially as this appears to be the name of a hotel in Madrid. turns out this is the credit card processing name (?) for the lastminute group. in this case I had purchased airline tickets in Holland. credit card statement only says "RUMBO MADRID ES" hence the confusion.

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Angry on March 08, 2023

I saw a charge in my credit card paid to RUMBO MADRID ESP which I was totally unaware of. I am fighting with the bank to get back my money.

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Engelbertus Smolders on March 21, 2023

I have booked a flight from Eindhoven to Reus by Ryanair and pay. I don’t have received the booking from Ryanair. What can I do ????

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Dany Van Hoof on May 28, 2023

I booked and paid my tickets with Iberia. So far so good. Two days later Rumbo debited my credit card for 1366.99 euro without transaction nor booking, no comment no confirmartion !

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Bozena z amsterdamu on June 04, 2023

I purchased a ticket from After making the payment I have not received any confirmation and I have no way to get back the 700 euros. When I was making reservations, there was no indication that this account was fake. How many people this type has cheated

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Ronei Cesar on September 28, 2023

I saw a charge in my credit card paid to RUMBO MADRID ESP which I was totally unaware of. I am fighting with the bank to get back my money. About 500 euros.

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Petra on October 19, 2023

Charged for over 800 euro’s without reason

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Jekaterina (Katja) Golovatenko on November 10, 2023

Charged 1246,19€ with no reason

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Donal on January 11, 2024

Initially thought this was dodgy on CC statement but was actually London trip booked through online portal in Nov23.

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NG, Netherlands on February 18, 2024

Name used by Lastminute or for hotel and airfares. Annoying but legit.

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Gamal El toukhy on February 24, 2024

op 7 januari 2024, zag ik dat er een bedrag van 7 euro ia afgeschreven van mijn creditcard en vermeld de naam" Rambo MADRID ESP. zonder verder vermeldingen

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YTD on March 13, 2024

Charged for over 700 euros without any reason. I have reported it to the local police station.

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Mike on May 21, 2024

For me, it was a legitimate charge from

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Marieke Kruitbosch on March 14, 2025

after booking a flight via last from istanbul to dubai. Never received a confirmation

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David Bess on March 18, 2025

Remainder of payment for airline flight.

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