First seen March 24, 2022. Last updated on March 01, 2025.
The credit card charge SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS 650-9345824, NJ was first submitted to our database on March 24, 2022. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.
Have you seen SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS 650-9345824, NJ charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS 650-9345824, NJ on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!
Merchant | Samsung Electronics (edit) |
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Description | Discovery+ (no ads) Subscription through my Samsung TV account. (edit) |
5 separate charges popped up under my pending transactions. All had different authorization numbers.
what can we do to stop the charges
5 transactions under 4.99 popped up under my credit card.
2 separate $0.15 pending charges showed up on my bank account today and I have no idea what it's from.
22 charges in one day on this account totslkjnv almost $900
$6.56 is for a Shudder account that we did online. It shows up as Samsung Electronics 650-9345824. (650-934-5824)
5transaction done on this account without my knowledge
Called Samsung to get help with my new Samsung TV. Connection was staticky, so "John Cudo" connected me to his personal phone. When I checked my bank account, I had eight charges on my bank account and $2,056.24 on my PayPal account which I haven't used in years, all showing the number 650-934-5824. The PayPal charge had the email address I do not know a Judy Barrett.
Scam. reported Chase card $0.15 pending
Not Scam. I called City Credit card. they said " registed Samsung Pay " samsung pay will refun $0.15
I tried calling the number and it goes straight to a busy signal
Samsung electronics is a scam . Somehow they enter your account through a previous debit card purchase and drain your account til its empty.... when you see these charges report them to your bank immediately.
This is the 3rd month in a row that I have been charged 5.99$ from SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS!!! How do I stop it and what is it???
Call your credit card company. It's fraud department. They'll have to issue a new card and shut down your current one..
I just had a 15. Charge appear on my bank statememt this morning .. Shutter is a scam app that Samsung is allowing for download and its malicious .. it steals your private info and credentials.. They gain access to your account and steal your survival.. My sons totally disabled and I'm a single mom .. Samsung allows these frauds to do what they do .. I think Samsung should be sued at least Google tells ya if your sh!ts compromised.. It's happened to every Samsung device I've owned .. I've always been an apple person and this is a prime reason why .. I will never own another Samsung device again! Get rid of the trash and you don't have to deal with no more junk azz Samsung spy device any longer including the fraudant apps they just so conveniently over look .. Good luck
I have been having a Samsung Ele charge on my account and I have no idea what it is. It charges me $16.19 each time and its on there 3 or 4 times a month. Please tell me how to stop this charge.
in my case it was Samsung Art subscription. It can be managed on . The subscription isn't visible on the samsung main site.
I've had a charge for the past 4 months for $9.53 & when I called the number listed (& that my bank gave me), it goes immediately to busy.
3 months in a row ive been getting charged 14.99 for samsung electronics. This is crazy now i gotta get a new card from my bank only way to stop payments...
I believe this is a fraud/scam. I had 8 months of a recurring $7.41 charge from samsung electronics xxxx5824 NJ. I have no explanation for these charges, no active subscriptions or emails from samsung. I have never owned a samsung product and do not even have a samsung online account. Most reputable subscription services at least put in the charge what the product actually is. No identifying information here. Disputed the charges with my bank and received a ~$60 refund.
I've had $4.99 charged on my wife's credit card for 8 months. Even after it was disputed and paid back by the bank, the charges kept coming. This is definitely a scam.
This people are stealing money from everyone they charge me twice every month from a year and the only way is sending the dispute with the bank
seems legit to me, I get charged 9.99 monthly for a HBO max subscription. no issues.
I wish Samsung would specify which TV app this charge comes from. In my case, it was from the ViX app for a ViX Plus subscription.
I just found that my account was charged with this transaction name, 2 times, 0.15 cents each transaction.
5.99 for a total of 648.00 how do we stop this and get our money back
We have had a $15.99 charge appear for six months and didn’t approve it!! We just filed a fraud complaint with our bank.
I don't know who you are and didn't give you permission to ^$#! with my money so I'm a need to scam artist ass to return my !$^# asap before I have the police on yo ass.
The two .15¢ charges from 'Samsung Electronics 650' are not a scam or fraudulent. It is Samsung just checking that your account is legit. They come off in a day or two. I just purchased a secure wifi from Samsung for 1.99 per month with the first month free and when I put my card info in, they explained that there would be 2 fifteen cent charges that were temporary.
* Also "Shudder" ($4.99/month) is not a scam lol someone in the comments said it was. It's a streaming service for scary movies that I've been subscribed to for years
Subscription to Discovery+ (no ads) $6.99 + tax = $7.41/month through my Samsung TV account This charge is legitimate.
$15.99 per month has been showing on my statement since April. No idea what it's for and no number to contact. I disputed the charge with my bank and hopefully that will get it canceled.
Fraud. Charged me 83.88. The phone number listed on the transaction goes straight to a busy signal. I never made this transaction.
Took 10.81. Off my card
I have been charged $9.99 per month for Samsung Electronics since April. Starting in July I have been charged $9.99 twice a month. I have contacted Samsung to no avail.
A charge is on my back debit transactions and not originated by myself. I am the only signer on my account.
I have no idea what this is far and I tried and called and they would not answer
Charged my card $71.88!!
I have been charged 3 times by Samsung Electronics. $10.66 every month. I did not authorize these and I have no idea where to dispute these. I looked through my Google play store, galaxy store, and called the number on the charges. The line is always busy.
Just got a charge of $15.99 from 91263556 Samsung Electronics. I don't have an account with Samsung or any business with them so reporting it to the bank as FRAUD.
This is a scam. Phone # goes to busy.
Cargo a mi tarjeta ya por muchos meses y no sé de qué es
Fast busy on that phone # and Samsung cannot help at all
I have had a samsung charge of $15.00 for months now and now doing my taxes and seeing this charge. I tried to speak with a Bot on their site and they directed me to a place where I have to pay to make a phone call!!!
I’m getting charged $19.99 a month and can’t find out anything about cancellation.
Appeared on my credit card statement/online app for $.15. I suspect they're phishing for a number that doesn't decline, in order to hit with a much larger purchase later.
This is the first time I've seen this and it's a pending charge for $0.15. That tells me the scammers are trying to make sure the card is in use and charge not reported. I've never had this, but I recently requested a new card as mine got shredded by accident (little one was helping too well, lol). I'm wondering if anyone who has seen this charge requested a new card because one was lost/stolen. This charge came through the day after I requested.
For the second month in a row, this charge for $0.15 has appeared. When I report it to my bank, I am told it is suspicious and my card is frozen and a new card is issued. This is extremely irritating.
For a long time they have been charging me $8.99 dollars a month and I don't know why. I want them to return my money for 10 months of charging me.
15 cent charge, bank reversed it and canceled the associated card