First seen February 14, 2019. Last updated on August 04, 2022.

The credit card or debit card charge SAMSUNGELECTRONICS RIDGEFIELD PA NJ 1 was first submitted to our database on February 14, 2019. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen SAMSUNGELECTRONICS RIDGEFIELD PA NJ 1 charge on your credit card? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen SAMSUNGELECTRONICS RIDGEFIELD PA NJ 1 on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

85% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Charge Information

Merchant Samsung electronics (edit)
Website Click to Add
Phone 844-977-7634 (edit)
Category Electronics products (edit)
Description Samsung pay alert of $69.99 pending charge for PURCHASE SAMSUNGELECT RIDGEFIELD PA NJ (edit)

What people are saying...

Cody Anderson on February 14, 2019

Samsungelectronics Ridgefield Pa NJ 1

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Rick Eckblad on May 30, 2020

06/01/20 PURCHASE SAMSUNGELECT RIDGEFIELD PA NJ CARD9708 $2.16 Details Merchant Name: SAMSUNGELECTRONICS Merchant Address: RIDGEFIELD PA, NJ , 076600000 Transaction Method: Card # Entered by Customer/Merchant (Samsung Pay) Category: COMPUTER SOFTWARE STORES

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Devin beyant on February 26, 2021

It started with an update for my phone right after a legit one last month. I just got hit on my second card

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Corey on February 19, 2022

It’s a legit monthly recurring fee. For me it’s my audio book subscription service thru Amazon.

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Andrea on March 03, 2022

I’ve had 3 charges of 9.99 a month for 3 months now I have no clue say it’s for! Only iPhones in the house and no subscriptions on Amazon.

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Ed H on April 13, 2022

Just got hit w 2 $49.99 charges from "Samsung Electronics", NJ (doesn't show what town)...Phone # it and always busy....CC stopped the charges

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James W on June 13, 2022

A charge for $0.15 from 650-934-5824 Claiming to be Samsung pay was made on my checking. I don't use Samsung pay so I knew it was a scam. Canceled the transaction through my bank and got a new card. The bank and I both agree that it was a test. They wanted to see if that car and account was valid. If the 15 cents went through they would have hit it for more later. If you get any transaction from this number it is a scam!

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Dakota on August 04, 2022

I've had 3 $9.99 charges come out from Samsung Electronics. The number listed is 650-934-5824 and like everyone else, when you call the number it just gives a busy tone. I have not been able to track down the source of the payments. I do have a Kindle Subscription, but it says my next charge isn't for 2 more days and it has already come out this month. Hopefully, there is just a delay in payments/updates. Either way, it's strange to me that it would be under Samsung anyway and not Kindle or Amazon.

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