First seen February 07, 2014. Last updated on November 22, 2022.
The credit card or debit card charge EIG*DOMAIN.COM 866 539 285 was first submitted to our database on February 07, 2014. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.
Have you seen EIG*DOMAIN.COM 866 539 285 charge on your credit card? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen EIG*DOMAIN.COM 866 539 285 on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!
Merchant | (edit) |
Website | (edit) |
Phone | +447419424379 (edit) |
Category | (edit) |
Description | A domain name registrar (edit) |
My credit card has been charged as $29.99, $4.89, $32.85 in March of 2016.
dear sir we are not getting any invoice for what we pay can we have copies of all invoices beginning January 2015 pleas send them to the fallowing email thank you
My debit card was charged $11.49 two times in two days in May of 2017. I already cancelled the card. Who does this happen??
My credit card was charged several time for a total amount of about USD 2,000.00. This is a card of a foreign bank account that I don't use often and that I don't need to control anytime. What can I do to be refunded? Giovanni Castano
My card was charged 54.95 US on Jul 12 by I had never heard of them before nor did I buy anything from them..
i was charged USD 1245.82 yesterday 9 August 2017 , i called up OCBC to do check and the customer service guy said it's not the first time the EIG 866- 539285 try to charge to my card , at first they to charge USD 2800 but fail, the they try to charge USD 666 but failed and yesterday was a successful deduction. WTF. Please watch out for scammers! OCBC is really a disappointment their security system is really WEAK! cant even detect scam with already 2 attempts !
12.02.2018 EGI charged my card for 17.98$. I don't even know what is that egi.
the card statement summery show as follows 06/03/2018 PURCHASE EIG* Rs.1,899.29 (USD 12.17) wanted to know was this exactly?
EIG* is and is legitimate
I have over $300 in charges form EIG Called and tehy have NO record of these charges on their end.... These are fraudulent charges
EIG owns several web hosting companies. They don't tell you that they own competing web hosting companies, so you might think you are with "bluehost" but you are actually with EIG. Here are all the web hosts they currently own: AccountSupport A Small Orange ApolloHosting AptHost Arvixe Berry Information Systems BigRock BizLand BlueDomino BlueFur BlueHost BuyDomains Cirtex Hosting Cloud by IX Constant Contact Directi Dollar2Host DomainHost Dot5Hosting Dotster easyCGI eHost EntryHost Escalate Internet FastDomain FatCow FreeYellow Glob@t Homestead HostCentric HostClear Host Excellence HostGator HostMonster HostNine HostV HyperMart IdeaHost IMOutdoors Intuit Websites iPage IPOWER/iPowerWeb IX Web Hosting JustCloud JustHost LogicBoxes MojoMarketplace MyDomain MyResellerHome NetFirms Networks Web Hosting Nexx PowWeb PureHost ReadyHosting ResellerClub SEOGears SEO Hosting Site5 Sitelio Sitey Southeast Web Spry StartLogic SuperGreen Hosting TypePad USANetHosting vDeck Verio VirtualAvenue VPSLink WebHost4Life Webstrike Solutions Webzai World Wide Web Hosting Xeran YourWebHosting For more see this article:
Be aware!!My credit was used at this EIG and I stopped it immediately!! unauthorized! Sms: Your credit card ending with **** has been used for USD 219.87 at EIG* on 30-09-2018.
This is for web hosting or domain name fees. For me, it was for my VPS at Blue Host.
Same here. EIG has been charging me since 2012. Yes, I did sign up for the account back then. for some free 30 days trial to build a website that didn't pan out... you would think a one call canceling the subscription should do the trick. Since then, around Feb/March time, I ask myself the same question: "who the hell is EIG, again?" I called them but gave up after a couple of attempts that resulted with buncha wishy-washy "next-step" process along with a long list of other excuses. Then, going through the same process again the next year. My favorite one: "you provided us with wrong credit card so we were not able to locate your account". Huh??? they just charging me on the exact cc I was reporting!!! This year, I got fed up (largely due to realizing EIG has been charging me close to $1000 all this years (6 transactions per year!). After almost a month of back forward smack talks among other things, I hope this is the last year playing annual version of Bill Murray's Groundhog Day with them.
I have been charged 5$ . I think i may have requested service .how can i cancel my service
I have been charged 142 €. What can I do?
I have been charged by the company without ordering any service.
I have been charge today (02-06-2020) 13.99$... why anyone ^$#! this company?
What this is? Who are they trnx was made on ur card USD14.99 at EIG*DOMAIN.COM on 14/05/20@15:38
I have been charged by this company without ordering any service
My story is similar to some of the others. I went for a free trial. which i cancelled after 30 days. i woke up this morning to find that I had been charged $251.85 by EIG*DOMAIN.COM it was withdrawn this morning. They said they had tried to withdraw money before , however it had declined. I'm really ^$#!ing %*&!ed off. I have no website so how can they charge me for one.
I was just charged by these clowns for two straight days. I went to because I had an old account with them that ended in 2017; yet I was just charged $9.58 and $13.99 by them. Here is the kicker though -- my old account with them was on an old debit card. Not my current. So can they charge this card? This has to be nothing but a scam. I've already reported it to my bank and turned off my card. I'm not going to let these fools withdraw any more from my account, because have no clue what it is. Everybody........please beware of Fraudulent charges.
Charged 14.99 twice on Aug. 31. No idea what this is. I don't host any web sites.
A credit card charge of $6,746.10 was put on the card for domain names I did not register or go through the process of registering.
I never registered a domain with this company and have received several charges from them on my debit card. I’ve had to get a new card and dispute these fraudulent charges.
Charged by this company for 6 times today. What should I do?
I was charged by EIG Donain com three times, USD16.79, USD18.88,USD188.87 in Oct. What should aI do?
My card was charged multiple times how do I get refunded
My account is being charged for a domain I no longer use? Please stop this immediately!
I was charged $40,64 for a domain I no longer use - please refund my money
Today my card was charged $3,750.00 by EIG Resellerclub same as EIG domain....thankfully my bank knew these charges were fraudulent. This is getting to be ridiculous
Notice funds debited from my accountof $222.00. How do I get them refunded.
My card just got charged $3.6k from EIG*RESELLERCLUB 223-0797676 TX On hold to the back freaking the f**k out did anyone get their money back?
I was on vaction today 9/6/2022. Sitting hereI noticed that I received a notification that my debit card was charged for the amount of $19.99 for a domanin name. I don't hava a business in order to have a domain. Why in the world would I need a domain name without a business. So whoever did this I have notified the bank and the aurthories.
I got charged by EIG*DOMAIN.COM even when my Auto Renew is off, I will need to dispute the transaction and be in contact with because this is not ok.
The transactions charged by EIG*DOMAIN.COM were legitimate. I contacted support, and they walked me through it. My misunderstanding was due to: 1. My renewals were charged in two separate fees, one for the domain and one for the hosting. 2. From their end it was in US dollars while in my account in Euro (which is evaluated at the time of this post) and it didn't seem right.
I have been charged 36 USD twice within one year. I don't use this domain since long and I have no connection with this. How can I stop thia fraudulent charges, as the domain is not available?