First seen June 27, 2015. Last updated on October 16, 2023.

The credit card or debit card charge VCN*CALIFORNIA VITALS 888 CA was first submitted to our database on June 27, 2015. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen VCN*CALIFORNIA VITALS 888 CA charge on your credit card? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen VCN*CALIFORNIA VITALS 888 CA on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

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82% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

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What people are saying...

Marie Jackson on October 06, 2020

This charge is to secure a birth certificate from California.I was given the information as a trusted and used site by my local County Clerk in Austin Texas to get my husband a copy of his birth certificate.It is a "clearinghouse" and they work with you to get your certificate.If you go through the state it takes up to 6 months die to the backlog.They helped us get his in about 65 days.

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Nate W on December 05, 2021

I used this to get a copy of my birth certificate.

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D Copeland on April 03, 2022

Yes..but they will keep charging your credit card ..Stop... immediately..,

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AntOnio AnthOny on August 23, 2023

Yes I got my nephew a birth certificate. Then they charged me $29 a month for no reason.. I called them, and the very rudest lady I’ve ever talked to answered the phone, and she just started instantly saying that basically I was lying because they don’t even charge $29 and they wouldn’t do that. But clearly I have the transactions on my account so you’re calling me a liar? she acted like she did something and was rude again and said she couldn’t find anything. So I called my credit card company and they cleared it because they’re obviously a scam, so yes, just be aware if you use their services they will continue to charge you for whatever reason they have .

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K Hawk on October 08, 2023

Started the process for a Death Certificate, but hadn't completed the notarization page, Was charged $15.95 out of the blue

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Grant R. on October 16, 2023

Similar to K Hawk above, I started the process online of getting my birth certificate online. I was recommended the website “VitalCheck” ended up not completing their processes. About a month later I see this charge on my credit card for $15.95 which I did not authorize.

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