First seen December 19, 2014. Last updated on March 23, 2025.

The credit card charge HPD* HPD* VISTA CA was first submitted to our database on December 19, 2014. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen HPD* HPD* VISTA CA charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen HPD* HPD* VISTA CA on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

98% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Charge Information

Merchant Hpd Vista Caus (edit)
Website Click to Add
Phone (678) 891-7208 (edit)
Category Click to Add
Description Click to Add

What people are saying...

Taneshea Conner on August 16, 2018

I have seen this charge on my card don't know what it is and I won't my money back

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Patricia Miller on December 02, 2018

I also found a charge of $19.95 on my card today. From November 28 have no idea what this is.. I am on SS and want all my money put back. Calling BBB tomorrow bright and early.

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M E on January 19, 2019

Woke up this morning to this charge,$19.95 on my debit card.I have no idea what it is for. It came in @4:36 this morning. Reporting to my bank immediately.

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Kenneth McKenzie on April 09, 2019

I have seen on my bank statement a charge of $19.95 to HP{D Vista CA. I don't know what this is for and would like the money back

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Como on April 22, 2019

This has just happened to me. There is a $1 hold to make sure your account is legitimate and after the charge goes from pending to authorized, the $19.95 charges begin to occur. For those who have no idea what it is about, mine was for trying to buy a slow cooker recipe book for $0.99. Then they ask you if you want 3 books for a Dollar and I was going to do that until I saw in the fine print you agree to these $19.95 monthly charges. I did not but it would not let me retract it so I just closed mt browser. I just got off with my bank. Once they post, call your bank and dispute it. They will help you. There is a long history of fraud here. GL

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Yss on April 25, 2019

I had noticed a charge for $9.95 on my account from HDP Vista CA having no idea what this company was or does I called my bank. They come up with a phone number for this company 866-350-8718. I looked at a cook book but never ordered book after finding out it would cost me $19.95 a month to receive this book subscription. I backed out of order and was still charged so be ware of this. Trying to get a refund.

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Earl Breland on August 19, 2019

There have been some bogus charge(s) on my card. How do I go about getting my money back, as I too, am on SS...

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barbara myers on September 04, 2019

this is on card today

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Earl Breland on September 08, 2019

How do I get my money back? Can I recover my funds?

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J. Casper on January 13, 2020

Same thing this is the second time on my card im %*&!ed going toy bank in the morning

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King on January 24, 2020

Found charges on my bank account and rest assure I will get my money back in my account.

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M Joyce on June 04, 2020

This company just took $19.95 off my card at 4:10AM

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Ashley Mullis on June 24, 2020

I woke up this morning to find this charge of 19.95 on my card and did not order anything what do I do

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L Hutcheson on June 30, 2020

I have had 2 charges to my debit card, one to HPD, Vista, Ca for $19.95, June 6th 2020 and another charge for $19.95 June 13th toVVC, Vista, Ca. I was told they are both scams. How can I get my money returned??

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Gena Glover on August 20, 2020

Got up and checked my card and someone took 19.95 off my debt card and I don't know who they are I need my money back on my card right now can someone help me with this.

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Ramona Collins on October 30, 2020

I have been getting a charge of 19.95 on my bank card for several months and a number of times they were able to receive payment. Who are the people because I didn’t authorize this and I want my money back!

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Andrea Sample on March 01, 2021

They've taken $19.95 off my cash app card four different times, I'm beyond %*&!ed, I cancelled the card, got a new card w/a new pin & they're still doing it. Someone please help! 🤬🤬🤬🤬

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Calmus Smith on May 05, 2021

I am tired of these people taking my money. is there any thing we can do?

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Linda Olsen on June 08, 2021

Just showed up on my card

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I was charged the same amount - $19.95 - and my Chase credit card nagged it as fraud and messaged me. I won't have to pay it, but it means a new credit card and alerting all my automatic renewals of the change. May this company go bankrupt and then to jail

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M Stevens on August 06, 2021

Capitol One sent me a fraud alert overnight both via text and email about a charge attempt for $19.95 from HPD and they blocked it. I called in and verified it as fraud and they canceled my card immediately. Way to go Capitol One!!!!!!

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D.Leckenby on April 08, 2022

I to found this on my debit card. Have no idea what this charge is for.. I live on the very small amount I receive from SS. And so I can't afford to just ignore it. So going to try and get my $19.95 back.

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Toni Esper on April 21, 2022

I had the $19.95 transaction on my account. I reported it to my bank. They refunded my money while they were investigating it. After they were done investigating they took the money back without letting me know. I did not authorize these transactions :-(

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Sandy on July 15, 2022

Just showed up on my card still pending going to alert my bank

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Loretta on October 25, 2022

This charge of $19.95 from hpd just randomly showed up on my statement. Thankfully my bank flagged it as fraud and the charge never went through. The bad part is that I had to go get a new card. Now I have to go through the hassle of changing everything I had on auto pay to my new card. Thanks a lot scammers!

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LeeAnn on December 19, 2022

I just noticed this charge on my bank account from OBO, Inc. for $17.99. There is another charge from HPD for $26.99. The might be for a subscription. I don’t know. I am 80 years old and I never cook any more nor do I read any more. I called both numbers associated with these charges. But before they would give me any info, one wanted my email addy and the other wanted my name and addy so they could look it up. I refused that. Calling my bank tomorrow.

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Rebecca Daughtrey on September 19, 2023

Well here I am again but at least now I know what it is. I too wanted the "cheap" cookbooks until I saw the recurring monthly charges. This is bs! I closed my browser and thought it was over. These scamming jack asses are taking the money anyway! So now I'm having to either get a new card for child support or hit the bank at midnight to make sure these #@$[@/%$ don't take the money! What a crock!

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Amber Mckelvey on October 18, 2023

How the f*** they got my card because this card is new and I've never dealt with HPD but they took $17.99 off my freaking card and I want my refund

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Gregory Creech on October 29, 2023

This has shown up on my bank account.I believe this is from an advertisement that offered a free cookbook of you only cover shipping. I NEVER authorized any charges beyond that not was any mentioned. This is just yet another scam to steal money from people.

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A. Lasley on November 05, 2023

I deposited $16.00 and this HPD took that money and also overdrew my account by $1.50 and there is another pending charge now. I am going to call my bank tomorrow.

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Rhonda on November 15, 2023

I just had Hpd vista ca. Try to charge 17 on my debit card. Who the hell are they

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Jim Crandall on December 19, 2023

Idk what this charge is?

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daniel osborne on January 02, 2024

2seperate charger

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Karl F. on January 11, 2024

Fraudulent charge on 1/11/24 HPD Vista CA

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Kimberly Sheehy on January 25, 2024

Monthly charge how do I get it to stop

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Rebecca on March 04, 2024

HPD, MBM, and AVI - Unauthorized charges. I incurred charges from each one of these companies after responding to a .99 cent cookbook offer. MBM - $19.95, HPD - $17.99 & AVI - $26.99 I did not authorize, nor did I order anything additional that would support these charges. BEWARE!!!

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Joani Ratliff on March 31, 2024

I have no idea what this charge is for, but they have trued charging $18.99 at 1:46 AM yesterday. I have kept this account balance low due to another similar issue ironically enough. While frustrating, I'm also a little relieved to feel some validation with this site and knowing they are known as unscrupulous, rather than just being a total mystery.

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Joani Ratliff on March 31, 2024

An addendum: Does anyone know how to make it stop or how to contact the company? I will report HBD to the BBB and anywhere else imaginable to report fraudulent behaviors. I did NOT pay for any cookbook as some have referenced so I am absolutely clueless where this is from...

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HPD ,vista CA on May 24, 2024

My Card was charged from this company or what ever it is and I have nothing to do with them

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Brenda A White on July 19, 2024

For the past few months I would say 6 ( if not more) I have been having a $19.95 charge taken out of my bank account. I have no I dea from where it came from. I would like this charge stopped..

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Angela on December 17, 2024

I have find several charges on my account. Please help me

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Kathy C on December 18, 2024

I just found a charge of $19.95 from them also. I have no idea what this is. There is no phone number to call and get your money back. All it says is "Book Stores" I am going to contact my bank and have it reversed.

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Ebrima Nyassi on March 23, 2025

I have got a suspicious scam charge to my account in Gambia. From corporate HQ hdp vista

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