First seen September 09, 2014. Last updated on February 15, 2025.
The credit card charge SHELL 3059 MONTBLANC FR was first submitted to our database on September 09, 2014. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.
Have you seen SHELL 3059 MONTBLANC FR charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen SHELL 3059 MONTBLANC FR on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!
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I fed 20.44 euro and I pulled the card 125 euro are thieves
This charge belongs to a shell station in beziers(autorouteA9). The y have stolen me 125,00 eur. Mother ^$#!ers!!!! Pay attention with your cards!! The author was the boy of the main cash, the first entering at left hand, it was the only cash I used.
0n 11th september 2017 purchased 27.90 euro fuel and was charged an extra 124 euro. Shell should be ashamed SCAMMERS
I take fuel for € 66,00 and when I look on my bankaccount the take also €125,00 What going on here. I will call the police
Petrol station Bergerac stole from me £131.77 got me to enter my pin twice they should be struck off visa im calling the police
I put in 20 liters of diesel and they drawed 150,- €.