First seen July 10, 2014. Last updated on January 25, 2022.

The credit card charge TELUS MOBILITY PREAUTH CALGARY AB was first submitted to our database on July 10, 2014. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen TELUS MOBILITY PREAUTH CALGARY AB charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen TELUS MOBILITY PREAUTH CALGARY AB on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

75% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Charge Information

Merchant Telus Mobility (edit)
Website (edit)
Phone 513 816 8351 (edit)
Category Mobility services (edit)
Description Phone bill or charges (edit)

What people are saying...

Étienne Pilon on September 11, 2015

Mine was a contract cancellation fee.

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Jerry & Mildred Penner on October 03, 2018

saw this charge on my Visa bill ??? $83.27 for what ??

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Renée Chénard on May 21, 2019

Je viens de m'apercevoir que je paie entre 150 et 220 $ par mois à Telus Mobility Preauth calgary AB. Ce me semble une fraude, mais comment faire pour corriger ça ?

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lawanda finnie on January 25, 2022

I'd like a manager to phone me, not a happy camper , I have gone back on records for several years and you don't seem to know what the hell your doing , almost every month is a different amount on my P.C. card. i want a computer read out of the amount with an explination of what for . as an example dec. 24th 2021 . no charged 94.00, then jan. 24th I'm charged 253.75 and to top it off somehow I'm also been charged on my Walmart card , how you got that card I don't know but was charged 230.00 on dec 27th I want a manager to call me and explain what is going on my next call will be to my step brother who is a lawyer

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