First seen July 29, 2014. Last updated on November 24, 2018.
The credit card or debit card charge TRAILFINDERS KHS SOUTHSIDE was first submitted to our database on July 29, 2014. It has been deemed not suspicious by our users.
Have you seen TRAILFINDERS KHS SOUTHSIDE charge on your credit card? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen TRAILFINDERS KHS SOUTHSIDE on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!
Merchant | Trailfinders KHS Southside (edit) |
Website | (edit) |
Phone | 02079383939 (edit) |
Category | Click to Add |
Description | travel operators (edit) |
Took £50 from my account via a paper/manual transaction from Trailfinders South Kensington Branch. Definitely not authorised, i was ill at home having just left hospital in Somerset!!
was a wedding gift company when you "pay towards a couple's honeymoon" Initially i was really concerned when i saw it but it is legit. (for me at least)
Was a wedding present going towards the happy couples honeymoon. May have been helpful if we had been aware they had booked through Trailfinders. Thank goodness for Google searches !!
Thanks for this site - same explanation - honeymoon contRibston.
like others I was confused when I saw this on my bank statement but yes- it appears if you contribute towards a honeymoon gift list via Trailfinders
Yup, honeymoon payment.
Initially was confused but it was a wedding gift payment towards a honeymoon
agree all the above