First seen April 01, 2015. Last updated on March 07, 2024.
The credit card charge VCN*FULTON CO VITALS ATLANTA GA BUSINESS SERVICES NOT ELSEWHERE CLASSIFIED was first submitted to our database on April 01, 2015. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.
Have you seen VCN*FULTON CO VITALS ATLANTA GA BUSINESS SERVICES NOT ELSEWHERE CLASSIFIED charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen VCN*FULTON CO VITALS ATLANTA GA BUSINESS SERVICES NOT ELSEWHERE CLASSIFIED on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!
Merchant | vital check (edit) |
Website | Click to Add |
Phone | Click to Add |
Category | Click to Add |
Description | Birth certificate, Fulton Co. Atlanta, GA (edit) |
This company is taking 39.95 from me. Have no idea what this is
We actually just got a deposit from this company back into our account today of $36.95. Im assuming if they're a scam that takes money from people, our bank must've cancelled their transaction since we're getting a depoist. Im not really sure. Really confused what this is since we're not in Atlanta or Fulton County.
I seen a charge on my account at 4am in the morning and I was in bed when my card info was used. I reported it now I’m waiting
Charge came threw at 10:30 pm and it said it was charged at 4:47am so I reported it
They charged me and somehow got the money off my cashapp.. it says pending..
No se porque me cobrabacion ese dinero