First seen December 31, 2014. Last updated on February 24, 2025.

The credit card charge VESTA *CHATR was first submitted to our database on December 31, 2014. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen VESTA *CHATR charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen VESTA *CHATR on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

88% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Charge Information

Merchant Chatr Wireless (edit)
Website (edit)
Phone 800-485-9745 (edit)
Category Telecommunications (edit)
Description A budget wireless provider operated by Rogers. (edit)

What people are saying...

Devan on August 31, 2018

This is a charge that came along with other ones from Canada after my credit card info was stolen. I have never been to Canada in my life!

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Row on January 28, 2019

Got this charge today on my Visa Debit and yet was never subscribed to Chatr or have had any of my family or friends who are subscribed. Ontario, Canada.

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Mojtaba on April 25, 2020

Hi around 3 month ago some friend of my wife said I need to buy sim and please come with me to pay and I will pay you cash later, I but chatr sim and after 4 days she left but to day I see my account charge for38.99 what should I do?

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Gurvinder on February 18, 2021

Got this charge today on my Visa Debit and yet was never subscribed to Chatr or have had any of my family or friends who are subscribed. Ontario, Canada.

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Tammy Steenburg on February 27, 2021

I got a charge today when I topped up from Vesta chatr. My usual bill is around $38 and the charge on my cc was $45. I've spent all day disputing with my cc company and chatr

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Miguel angel González on March 23, 2021

Hola quisiera saber que es ese cargo vesta chatr_v en mi tarjeta de débito

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Adventure on April 14, 2021

Got 2 charges from them on our company credit card... we are nowhere near Canada! Rang the processing department 1-888-278-5588 and the lady who answered I suspect is in the Philipines was really rude and impatient. I have gotten nowhere with getting the charges reversed :(

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Ruth Mennear on June 27, 2021

Iam cancelling my pay and talk phone ,i dontbhave my account number ,cant find it

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kathy matthews on August 13, 2021

i have NEVER had this charge out of my bank acct and today it came out twice. what is it for? Why now is it coming out when it has NEVER come out of my bank acct before. And it came out twice. I am really ticked at this...l....

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Wilfred bennett on September 20, 2021

This charge 24.86 is charged to my Mastercard every month and I don't know what it's can I cancel it?

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Eric on March 03, 2022

There was a VESTA CHATR charge on my account on 2 days ago for $56.50, and I never had any affiliation with this. Called my bank to help me fix this, but I don't understand how this happened.

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Ashley on June 07, 2022

Signed up with chatter and purchased the sims cards and they authorized three other purchases without my knowledge I found three days later. This is highly unprofessional business practice to essentially steal money from accounts. I will be canceling asap. I disputed it with my bank and will be awaiting the money to be returned.

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Jean on July 10, 2022

$22.60 was taken out of my bank account for nothing purchased!!!!

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Owen on November 21, 2022

Just got charged after canceling my service

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Julia on April 20, 2023

I only noticed today the transaction for $33.60. When I checked back past months I found transactions since February 🤬. What do I do? I’ve never signed up for Vesta chatr and they shouldn’t be taking my money!!

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Gary Cuevas on June 15, 2023

The common thing is Canada. I just ordered and received some organic soap and it's from Canada. And I paid through cash app . But bought it through Amazon . Luckily I lock my card everytime rite after I use it I lock it was blocked.

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Donna Hansen on September 15, 2023

Vesta*chatr_V charges on my debit card on Sept 5, 6, 6, 12, 12. totalling 85.05 sq*woodland TO_F charge on my debit card on Sept 6 totalling 16.45

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Donna Hansen on September 15, 2023

Other charges on my debit card in September that I can't explain: PHP*appiie 21.21_V totalling 29.40 PHP*appiie 29.89_V totalling 41.44 arromicscho totalling 101.09

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Colleen on October 25, 2023

Just appeared on my statement. Transaction date 22 Oct but appeared 23rd. 2 charges of $45.20. Card canceled and money to be returned.

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Jerry Cheng/Rowennie Cheng on October 30, 2023

VESTA*CHATR_V, Just appeared on our joint account statement Oct. 18, 24, 24 charges $45.99 totaling $137.97, Please check and re-imburse.

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Franceboudreault on November 15, 2023

Vesta chart prend des montants de 34.49 sa fait 3 fois qu’il prenne ce montant sur ma carte de crédit je vais aviser ma caisse populaire pour les fraude je veut être remboursé

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Leonie gayle on December 03, 2023

got 2 charges on my debit visa for $45.30 respectively on nov 30 from vesta chatr. i have no account with this company and have never used them for any service. i have informed the bank and awaiting my refund. this is certainly a scam. ^$#!ing scammers.

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Terry on December 10, 2023

I have charged multiple times by ChartR, with a total of about 500 bucks, from diffirent credit card and debit card. Fxking Scammers wish u burn in hell

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Mellissa Davy on February 11, 2024

I was charge on my bank account for 42.00 and 45.20 want this back

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Joel Guignard on May 06, 2024

I was charged $45.20 on my bank debit card May 1, 2024

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Brian Kaus on October 05, 2024

I was charged $32.77 on Debit card, Oct/4th/2024

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Brian Kaus on October 11, 2024

You’ve taken out $32.77 4 times out bank account, my cell # is in your customer list, If don’t get a refund I’II report to my and the CRTC

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jacqueline michie on February 12, 2025

i have never subscribed to this and tried to connect with chatr and they dont seem to know what i am talking about

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John Stephan on February 24, 2025

They tried several times and finally got to an amount they could withdraw. Until today I have never heard of these !&$^%#*s.

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