First seen April 03, 2014. Last updated on November 14, 2023.

The credit card charge WWW.LANGUAGEPOD101.COM FRANKLIN SQUA NY was first submitted to our database on April 03, 2014. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen WWW.LANGUAGEPOD101.COM FRANKLIN SQUA NY charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen WWW.LANGUAGEPOD101.COM FRANKLIN SQUA NY on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

90% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

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What people are saying...

Badiane on September 16, 2019

25 dollars ont été débités sur ma carte pour un achat sur www.LANGUAGEPOD101.COM FRANKLIN SQUA NY alors que je n'ai effectué aucune transaction

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Chanchal on August 05, 2022

I never purchased anything from WWW.LANGUAGEPOD101.COM FRANKLIN SQUA NY But my credit card statement shows that $25 has been taken away from my credit card.

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Youngki(Abraham) Yu on August 17, 2022

I am a Korean who is a student at VBar-Ilan University in Israel. I don't know why you withdraw 120/00(USD) on 18 July. I never use my credit card on July. I would appreciate if you explain the reason why you withdraw money from my credit card. Please do not use .my card without my permission. If my claim is right, will you return my money? Please do so now.

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Ana-Maria Munteanu on January 21, 2023

WWW.LANGUAGEPOD101.COM FRANKLIN SQUA NY is a name that repeatedly appeared to receive money from my credit card, although I do not remember authorising it. How will I end this situation?

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Mik on March 07, 2023

This is from a language learning app that comes in heaps of different names depending on which language you want to learn. It is better to go to their website to request refund https://www.innovativelanguage.com/help

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Mario Sergio Gouvea on April 09, 2023

[15:00, 09/04/2023] mario: BRADESCO CARTOES: COMPRA APROVADA NO CARTAO FINAL 5800 EM 09/04/2023 12:11. VALOR DE USD 25,00 WWW.LANGUAGEPOD FRANKLIN SQU. [15:01, 09/04/2023] mario: I received a charge on my credit card, I didn't buy anything from you, I would like the purchase canceled, thank you

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Robert on July 08, 2023

On 6th July 2023I I received a charge wrongly for AUD 37. 97. I didn't buy anything.

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Dawud on September 01, 2023

Second month running with deduction from my debit card for purchase not authorized

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zed on November 14, 2023

i never ordered this yet i was deducted 25usd today

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