First seen May 30, 2023. Last updated on February 17, 2025.
The credit card charge WWW MYD7ET SOFIA BG was first submitted to our database on May 30, 2023. It has been deemed not suspicious by our users.
Have you seen WWW MYD7ET SOFIA BG charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen WWW MYD7ET SOFIA BG on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!
Merchant | MyPerfect.Diet (edit) |
Website | (edit) |
Phone | Click to Add |
Category | Healthy lifestyle (edit) |
Description | We provide you with the ultimate possibility to follow different diet plans with ease, taking under consideration your lifestyle and food preferences. (edit) |
Date: 30/05/2023 07:29:20 Authorization: 00533002 Reference: 315013304377 Amount: 19.90 US DOLLAR
I have no idea what this charge is about. This is the second month it has appeared in my account. I have not authorized this charge or the one before.
This is the second d time this has appeared. Charges both are 19.90, what can I do
Charged 9/1/23 for $19.90 from “MYD7ET” I don’t know what this is for .
I am.going to contact the police the scum bags have accessed my account
Scam! We have no idea how they managed to access our account info. They don't have a website- it looks like it is a diet subscription? Charged every 15th of the month £19.90.
I have six changes on my credit card from this company and have never heard of them.
They take out $28.90 from my account every month on 10 or11 of each month. Don't know what they do .
Addebito non autorizzato di 15.90€ e non conosco che cosa sia... sicuramente una truffa!
Hello, please help me with information related to this fraud as they have withdrawn amounts of money from me and even my personal bank is unable to help me. What can I do in this situation?
Nekem is levettek 19.90 US Dollárt. Most már második alkalommal. Mit tegyek ?
Had money taken out of my bank account for a transaction I never made
Bol mi poslaný osobný jedálniček na 1 mesiac a z kreditnej karty mi stiahli 19,90 eur 24.9.2023 a teraz 24.10.2023 znova. Ako tomu zabrániť. Nemajú uvedené tel.cislo ani formulár na odhlásenie odberu jedálnička.
mediterranean diet
I googled this after I paid it & it came up as a possible scam so I wanted someone to look into it for me please
On my debit card
I Haven no idea what this is. I've Been charged 19,90 € on My debit card 😢
Jeg aner ikke hva dette er. Blir trukket for kr 249 hver mnd. på debetkortet mitt. Hvor kan jeg få hjelp ?
First, I was wondering what this descriptor stays for, but then I found their website. They seem to be the diet provider, to whom I have subscribed for my diet.
Guys, this charge is for a meal plan subscription. Think twice if you didn't try to find a way to lose weight. You can easily unsubscribe, just email them.
Opłata 89 zł. Pojęcia nie mam skąd to się wzięło i o co chodzi.
They charge $21 i don't know why. I did not buy item
I don t know who they are, I dont have any subscription, I think it s a fraud and I will report it both to the bank abd Police.
Nu ma ajuta acest program .Am incercat sa ma deloghez dar nu am reusit.Am dezinstalat aplicatia.Banii au fost retrasi fara sa-mi dau consintamantul.
like any I have no idea what this charge in my account is looks like some diet thing...I don't sign up to them and suspect that another organisation I have purchased something from has passed over my details.
The payment came from the account and I have not visited any such site and did not order anything. Please return the money Information is sent to the authorities.
MYD7ET - Jeg har aldrig abonneret på dette produkt. Jeg ved ikke hvordan de har haft kontakt med min konto. Mistanke: Har købt et produkt fra Too good to go samme dato. Kan det have noget med at gøre?
Have been caught for a couple of months. Must check card more thorough in future. Bank very helpful.
Cannot remember this meal plan.
bought an 1 month diet i paid once for whole month, this has been charged 4 times already
I subscribed to a diet program to get recipes. Thought it would be one time payment only. Now second payment EUR 29,90 has been charged from my account.
Cannot get through to a person to was supposed to be a one time order and the charges to drop
I’m don’t make any subscriptions
Charged 19.90 € every month. I did not realize. No I found this page I never ordered anything.
I subscribed to a diet program to get recipes. Thought it would be one time payment only. Now 5 other payments EUR 29,90 has been charged from my account.
יורד כל חודש
Bought something from greemind a couple of days before (149dkk) and now I have apparently been charged 149 4 times since
Was charged 39 euro no idea how or why
Ziadam o zrusenie poplatku
Opłata pobrana brak dostępu do przepisów proszę o anulację i nie obciążania mojej karty
Okamzite ziadam zastavit odber, ktory som ani nepotvrdila, akurat jednorazovy nakup jedalnicka a nie opakovane stahovanie si sumy 19,90 kazdy mesiac.
Hi this company took money from my account
Opakovaně se odesila platba, ikdyz jsem jim psala že vše ruším.
Začo mi stahujete
Žiadam o zastavenie sťahovania peňazí z môjho účtu nič som si neobjednal ani nekupoval
Έγινε σήμερα χρέωση 19,90 χωρίς να έχω κάνει καμμία αγορά
I am being charged $24.90 from WWW*MYD7ET. I want my money back and I want them to remove my CC. This is terrible and I've already reached out to them before. Nothing helps.
Za co pobrali środki pieniężne
Pobrano 21,25 euro z mojej karty bez mojej wiedzy i zgody. Chcę odzyskać pieniądze i przerwać subskrypcję. Jak w ogóle coś takiego jest możliwe?
Was charged $42.90 & never ever used this!! Scam
How do you get in touch with these scammers and cancel the charge. I have 2 lots of charges come out. Not happy
Aj mne to stiahlo dnes prečo nepáči sa mo to bez dôvodu mi sťahovať peniaze
WWW MYD7ET SOFIA BG, pobrali z karty pieniądze (90zł) bez mojej wiedzy. Oszuści skradli dane. Chcę zwrotu pieniędzy.
$26.90 taken from my account and no idea what for
en ole mielestäni tilannut nyt 2 kertaa mennyt luottokortilt veloitus 19,90
1 havi diétát fizettem másodszor vonjàk,hiába írok nekik!! Mit lehet tenni?
Unauthorized charge
2024.05.11-én 2:13-kor emeltek le pénzt. Én hívtam a bankom. Azonnal tiltattam a kártyámat. És megreklamáltam. Hátha visszakaphatom az összeget
2 charges on my card that I never signed up to or authorised
unknown billing
I never singed up
Has been charged 19.90E per month
45 euro mi aufurat
Does anyone know how to stop these thieves?
I never singed up.I don't know what is this?I have never give them my card number.
Please stop to give me the diet
I did not subscribe for anything yet 30 pounds has been deducted from my accounts
Mi-au fost retrasi bani fara sa ma abonez . Va rog sa-mi returnati banii in cont
I seen charge on my card of 15.99€. And I never seen this page or get any word from them on my email in form that i subscribe for anythibn they offer... nor i approve the charge. Its scam