First seen April 02, 2015. Last updated on August 30, 2019.

The credit card or debit card charge PACE WELLNESS RESEARCH was first submitted to our database on April 02, 2015. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen PACE WELLNESS RESEARCH charge on your credit card? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen PACE WELLNESS RESEARCH on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

88% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Charge Information

Merchant Fry's (edit)
Website Click to Add
Phone 08955249696 (edit)
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What people are saying...

signe Seiersen on November 11, 2016

How can I find out, what i have purchased?

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3DSpace on July 14, 2017

This unauthorized charge just appeared on my credit card. As soon as I get a phone number I will call them, but lacking that I will dispute the charge with my credit card company.

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Marg wightman on June 28, 2018

I purchased a pace wellness research book and never received it. Was charged on my credit card. Very disappointed with al Sears as I firmly believe in his philosophy. The fewer drugs we put in our bodies the better we will be. Will never order anything else from his website. Soo disappointed. Too many people are having too many drugs. I would be happy if al Sears could explain and I would regain my confidence.

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Carol Paton on November 21, 2018

I have two debits on my card, one on the 25th Oct. and one on the 30th Oct both for $39. I don't remember purchasing anything from this company and have not received anything by post.

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o.j.swanson on June 18, 2019

A charge on my account for nothing I have ever ordered from them.

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Lois Karasek on August 10, 2019

This outfit is also known as "Confidential Cures." When I signed up for a 2-year subscription in July 2018, nowhere in the solicitation literature or order form did it say it would be a "digital" subscription. When I happened to discover just this week that I had not been receiving any issues, I called and learned about it supposedly being emailed. I have no record of ever receiving a single issue. I requested a refund and was emphatically told "NO." If you don't cancel within 90 days, you don't get any refund....not even a pro-rated one for the remaining issues. I find this to be unfair, and the operator I spoke to ARGUED with me about the fact that the solicitation materials did NOT say anything about it being a digital subscription. Bottom line, while she emailed me copies of the previous issues I "missed," I have no idea if I will receive anymore. I think this is just another health newsletter scam which wants you to buy their over-priced supplements.

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Marilyn Fehling on August 30, 2019

On August 29th. I looked at my bank statement and it showed a charge for $77.00, it said Pace Research, I don’t even know what this is. To me this is very suspicious 😒

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