03/24 WALMART.COM 8009

First seen February 25, 2014. Last updated on November 10, 2023.

The credit card or debit card charge 03/24 WALMART.COM 8009 was first submitted to our database on February 25, 2014. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen 03/24 WALMART.COM 8009 charge on your credit card? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen 03/24 WALMART.COM 8009 on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

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96% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

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What people are saying...

Patrick on June 13, 2016

Credit union called and told me they had flagged suspicious activity on my credit card. Two charges showed up on my account as pending from WALMART.COM 8009. I didn't make either one and told them so. Unfortunately they approved one for $400 before I could tell them it was not mine. They flagged the one for $200 and froze my card. I have to talk to the cc fraud department to try and get the $400 back.

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Elizabeth on June 28, 2018

Charges appeared on my bank card today from WALMART.COM 8009. When I contacted Wal-mart, they had no information on the charges. I immediately contacted the bank and they reimbursed the amount immediately. However, this is ridiculous and with all the money Wal-Mart makes, they should have the TOP OF THE LINE security on its websites and in its stores. Step it up, Wal-Mart!.

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Jeff on August 04, 2020

For it was a legit charge for 2 online orders

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ppsc on September 24, 2020

I recently attempted to place an order with Walmart.com, but it would not go through successfully. I got no confirmation or order number, so I gave up. Then, a charge appeared on my credit card from Walmart.com 8009. Walmart had no record of a purchase, and the charge was pending on my credit card. I ended up blocking my credit card number. Whatever Walmart.com 8009 is, I would say it is a scam or a fraud.

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Lori on October 27, 2020

I received 2 notifications today that my order was declined because I exceeded my limit but I never placed an order with Walmart.....Fraud.

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Frank on November 02, 2020

I got one today and an attempt at home depo and yesterday a try at amazon tried to charge on a cc I dont use and not registered at walmary. in face not associated with any accounts. at a quandry how scammers got number since i dont have listed anywhere,

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john on November 24, 2020

I got 4 transactions charged to my card $186.00 a pop called bank pending whats next.?? I`m %*&!ed

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Maria on December 05, 2020

On November 25th I was looking at my charges on my Walmart C.C. I noticed a charge at Walmart.com 8009 for $107.00. I did not make any purchases at Walmart on that day for that Amount. I called Walmart & they told me they don't have a store with that number ( IT'S A SCAM) TO call the number on the back of my card & report it.

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Melissa Sorrells on December 10, 2020

December 9th they tried to get $128.39

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HACKED in Dec 2020 on December 13, 2020

Beware!... my computer was hacked this month and it's been a nightmare. Cancelled credit cards. Now I see walmart.com 8009 pending charged as of 12/7 for $0.01. I assure you this is a scam. No clue how they got my cc#, but they obviously did. I have previously been told walmart has the cheapest security system, and now I totally believe it!

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Char on September 21, 2021

Walmart.com 8009 purchases are legit. The 8009 is the authorization # used by Walmart. I, too, thought it was sketchy. However, after doing my homework, I found the 8009 charges to be legitimate charges.

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JOHN on December 11, 2021

I am to receive a refund from Walmart for $5.I paid with CC. Walmart text back the next day as item out of stock but debited my card instead.I can only imagine how many people Walmart has defrauded other than me.

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Steve on June 22, 2022

Today I did an online order, and an in store purchase. When checking my account later I saw two charges. One was the instore purchase, with the full WM address, but I had forgotten about the online purchase. I went into panic mode and looked the 8009 thing up. Now mind you, there hadn't been time enough for the transaction to post correctly, although it was authorized. So i was on the way to my credit union to cancel the cards, when it hit me...yeah I bought the stuff :) Happy ending. But just the same, care needs to be maintained in online shopping, as our accounts had been hacked 2x in the last 15 years. ( I removed both cards from WM, credit and debit and will never store them nor use the debit online anymore. With credit card fraud, the card issuer's money is at stake. With debit card fraud, your money has been stolen. It was my debit that I was initially suspicious of prior to "waking up" and remembering I used it earlier today. Duh :)

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Sharon on November 09, 2023

Today 11/8/23 a small charge of $4.28 was on my account to walmart.com 8009. I have not made any purchases today from Walmart or anything that would be 4.28

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Robert on November 10, 2023

Today 11/9/23 a charge of $247.28 was on my account to walmart.com 8009. I have not made any purchases today from Walmart or anything.

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