First seen February 04, 2014. Last updated on August 03, 2024.
The credit card charge 214 PBC RIVERSIDE CA was first submitted to our database on February 04, 2014. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.
Have you seen 214 PBC RIVERSIDE CA charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen 214 PBC RIVERSIDE CA on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!
Merchant | Vending Machine (edit) |
Website | Click to Add |
Phone | Click to Add |
Category | Vending machines (edit) |
Description | Beverage vending machine (edit) |
Charged three times a month. I don't know what this is.
This is from a Pepsi vending machine that you swipe you're card to pay for a soda or Gatorade. Mine is in my place of employment by the employee lounge. It is NOT a scam. It is easy to overlook these types of purchases.
Today on 8/19/2023 3 transactions were made in the amount of $3.50 all together, the transactions within my account clearly stated that they were pulled out on 8/20/2023 and it is August 19th 2023 the day before August20th 2023 I work on a temporary contract with the PepsiCo company in Loma Linda, California. I have used my debit card through my bank to purchase beverages through one of their vending machines and their break room and I got three transactions back to back today on a date that I don’t even work over there. I am planning on suing the PepsiCo company for $50,000 because of these three transactions I don’t take thievery or fraud lately. That is why I am the type to take it to this type of legal level.
Six of these charges appeared on my debit card and I didn't authorize them. It's now 2024. So this scam is still going on.