First seen March 12, 2015. Last updated on October 22, 2018.
The credit card charge DP CAPPUCCINO ESPRESSO LONDON SE1 GB was first submitted to our database on March 12, 2015. It has been deemed not suspicious by our users.
Have you seen DP CAPPUCCINO ESPRESSO LONDON SE1 GB charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen DP CAPPUCCINO ESPRESSO LONDON SE1 GB on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!
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Coffee Shop -
Coffee shop
I have two debits on my account total £22.10 and have no idea what this is for?
I just noticed a payment of £4.70 on my debit card on the 2nd May even though I've never even been to that so-called coffee shop. =/
It appeared on my statement and I was confused, but followed the website link above - it has several branches. I had bought lunch at the one in the Olympia whilst there for The baby Show this weekend so it checks out! :) Relieved!