First seen January 17, 2014. Last updated on May 19, 2023.

The credit card charge ESSFLOREALYG829 VILLENEUVE LO FRA was first submitted to our database on January 17, 2014. It has been deemed not suspicious by our users.

Have you seen ESSFLOREALYG829 VILLENEUVE LO FRA charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen ESSFLOREALYG829 VILLENEUVE LO FRA on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

27% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Charge Information

Merchant Supemarket Casino Essence (edit)
Website Click to Add
Phone Click to Add
Category Petrol station (edit)
Description Villeneuve Loubet, Near Nice French Riviera (edit)

What people are saying...

Joe on October 25, 2016

This appeared on my statement. I was unsure what it was for a moment. Checked my receipts and it matched up to me paying for petrol at a station in nice, France so providing you have recently been there. It's legitimate

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Denis on May 19, 2023

It’s only a reservation for your patrol. They will only charge the gas you got.

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