First seen August 30, 2023. Last updated on October 23, 2024.
The credit card charge FUNION LP GLASGOW was first submitted to our database on August 30, 2023. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.
Have you seen FUNION LP GLASGOW charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen FUNION LP GLASGOW on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!
Merchant | Mature Dates (edit) |
Website | (edit) |
Phone | Click to Add |
Category | Online dating (edit) |
Description | A site that allows nudes to be uploaded off supposed people looking to date. Yes, I tried the site. The site ** out phone numbers and email in chats unless you mask them in some way. They charge 10 credits per msg sent at $49 for 300 credits. I had several chats going but no one willing to actually chat outside the website so I don't know if the females I was chatting up were real or not. I thought it might be a viable option other than the Tinder bullshît. (edit) |
Charged £49.99 but no goods or services provided
Charged £49.99 but no goods or services provided
The same has happened to me, but my bank declined the transaction
Charged $79.99 on 10/08 My CC flagged as suspicious and auto declined Since I was unaware my subsequent transactions were put on hold until I delt with them !&$^%#*s
Dear Funion Lp Glasgow, you are requeted not to charge money on my mastercard or credit card. I have adviced you, not impose me to trasfer the problem to the postal police. Manduria(TA), Italy, the 20-th October 2023 In my beeleaving Giambattista Di Donna
Je n'ai jamais utilisé ce site. C'est une arnaque
Scam site.. either women's IQ's have dropped sharply or they're represented by fake IDs and call centre responders
This scam has attempted 79.99 a few times October & November 2023
They are trying to make charges on my debit card every month, but I don't use the account they are trying to use, so nothing was paid because there is no money there, but I realized that they are trying to make this charge every month.
I was charged £49.99 on my mastercard on 07/12/2023 without any service being provided to me
Anche io ho ricevuto un addebito di 49.99€ il 25/12/23. la banca mi dice che è come un abbonamento, ma io dal sito di incontri mi sono disiscritto e cancellato account in settembre 2023 e ora non ho possibilità di accesso. Come posso fare perchè non prelevino altri soldi? a chi posso scrivere per farmi restituire il maltolto? come denunciare questa TRUFFA? grazie del contributo: ciao
I have been charged £49.99 on my mastercard 30/12/2023 without and service provided to me, I will be contacting the Fraud Department about this , and they will sort this out, I Expect full refund
ADDEBITO DI EURO .49.00 del 08/01/2024
mi sono stati addebitati euro 49.00in data08/01/2024 e euro 49.00 il 02/01/2024
This site company and the sites they run are total scams. Dispute the charge.
Hi, nobody will say that they go on !$# dating but if you see that on your credit card then it is because you tried a free 3 or 7 days on a !$# dating site and they use strange independant sites to control the payments and you can go on these sites and ask them to cancel and in some cases to be reimburse but some sites don't do it and you have to try to remember which dating sites you subsribe to cancel it there or you have the possibility of use a site that will check and find those sites and cancel them for you but like usually this is not free but can save you lots of trouble. Thank you.
I have checked my bank statements and every week I losing between $89--$100 out of my account? Why is this happening?
they have taken money from my bank on 4 occaisions
3 payments £49/£49/£99 - August & September 2023. Cannot for the life of me remember what these were for. No further payments taken.
two charges on visa 29.00 9.00 never used 07/07 026 not made by me.
Noticed at charge of $19 on my statement. Funion LP Glasgow GBR G46RG GBR. Dated Aug 23, posted Aug 24. Please refund or cancel!
Yes I saw a charge of 49.95 I reported to my bank it’s a scam
I'm on a web site associated with this company,and on my renewal in July,a seperate charge of £49,95 was paid direct to Funion as well as the correct web site.Have now also reported to my bank
Just noticed this on my credit card statement amount of £49.99, Sunday 15 September 2024, I have no idea how they got my card number and charging me with out my authorization.
This is a fake dating APP that charges on you credit card. It seems taht the only way to get in contact with them is via normal letter. Funion LP Ivanska Cesta 30b 821 04 Ruzinov Slovakia
Bonjour, oui j'ai un prélèvement sur ma carte de crédit pour quelques chose que je ni, pas souscris pour un montant de 51.15 le 14.10.24