First seen November 09, 2021. Last updated on June 30, 2023.

The credit card or debit card charge GOOGLE*ACTIVISION $4.99 was first submitted to our database on November 09, 2021. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen GOOGLE*ACTIVISION $4.99 charge on your credit card? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen GOOGLE*ACTIVISION $4.99 on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

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95% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

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What people are saying...

Marc Campbell on November 09, 2021

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Anthony on November 12, 2021

Google Activision has charged my credit card 4.99$ 400 times. Still looking for answers.

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helen daniels on November 28, 2021

they hit me for 4.99 and .99 about a hundred times or more can you get your money back?

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Aldan grubbs on November 29, 2021

It charge me about 10 days in a role and multiple times a day some times is there.i was charge for 98 cents to about 5 dollars

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Lashanz Ratahi on December 01, 2021

They took out 300 dollars and 1.69 payments a lot of times till I was in over draft and all my money was gone

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Diana Thompson on December 04, 2021

I have been charged $72.00 from Activision over 4.99 and 2.99 and .99 over and over how do I get my money back

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Adrienne on December 24, 2021

12-18-21 for $4.57, but I was lucky... already had a hold on my account from out of the blue for 1$ and smaller. This was on my pay pal account that I hadn't use since June of 2021. Not as much as pulled it from my wallet for 6 months.

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Tami Beavers on January 22, 2022

Oh my I can't believe this. Son on of a $#^%*.

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Harley Lauver on March 23, 2022

Google Activision charged my account 20 times for 4.99 on the dates between September 30 and October 1 2021. I stopped the card and eventually received my money back. So somebody is fibbing about this first happening in November

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Brandon Ruppel on April 08, 2022

G Activision entertainment just charged my debit card 4.99 and I have no idea why.

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Emily on April 16, 2022

Got charged 3 times in less than a minute and my credit card reported it to me as suspicious. Had to get a new card and charges still try coming through multiple times a day. Luckily they still have my old card number so it doesn't work

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Haiden on April 23, 2022

They just charged me 105 dollars but my bank see it and saved me

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Marilyn on July 01, 2022

Google Activision took $4.99 off my debit card and I want my money back

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Corey on July 03, 2022

I have have been charged for several months over 100 times at 4.99 each time by Google activation and i cat get in contact about this i want my money back

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Mia on July 06, 2022

In the last hour 35 charges at 9.99 Withdrawn from my account by Google activision. What the Hell!?

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Passed off white boy on July 10, 2022

Over 200 charges in a matter of few days from $1.05 - $5.49! I don't and have not Authorized anything for anyone. This is bull!$^#!

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Mad af in ct on July 13, 2022

I was charged by this, I don't even have my card connected to my Google account. Multiple charges from this, google* jeannine hasse and google* tik tok live. All are scams. They took over $250 before I noticed in a few weeks time.

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Melissa Ridner on July 17, 2022

I was charged a total of 41 dollars by Google Activision and I have no idea what it even is. This happened on July 1st and July 2nd. Three charges right in a row on July second of 9.99. I contacted Google to report it and both times my claim was denied.

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Donna Stone on July 23, 2022

The same kind of charges hit my account for 4.99 and 9.99. I didn't make these charges and noone seems to know how to make these stop. It's craziness! I am waiting to see what investigation turns up. I dont pay for apps or games. Someone needs to stop this mess. Google needs to stand and correct the issues!!!

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Chris on July 29, 2022

I saw that got 9.30 dollar and also my son got his money taken away too we want are money back.

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purplecat13 on June 30, 2023

Google Activision charge of $10.85 for "other entertainment ". I have no idea what this is. And the information my bank gave me screems scam. Why did my bank pay it??? Idk...

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