First seen March 25, 2022. Last updated on March 21, 2025.

The credit card charge GOOGLE CODEWAY GOOGLE was first submitted to our database on March 25, 2022. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen GOOGLE CODEWAY GOOGLE charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen GOOGLE CODEWAY GOOGLE on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

91% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Charge Information

Merchant Google Codeway Apps (edit)
Website Click to Add
Phone 855 836 3986 (edit)
Category Applications Sales on Google Play Store (edit)
Description App (edit)

What people are saying...

Mary Giles on March 25, 2022

Helpful 15 5 Not Helpful
Kenzie on June 21, 2022

Just got charged $20 for this. Anyone have an idea?

Helpful 9 1 Not Helpful
Teresa on June 22, 2022

Just got charged $21.64 and have zero idea what, the hell it's for. Anyone else have any ideas?

Helpful 30 3 Not Helpful
Joy on July 02, 2022

Well i have 2 charges on my card! What is this??? Anyone know?

Helpful 26 5 Not Helpful
Julie on July 14, 2022

Just got charged on my debit card. However... My credit card is the only card on Google Play.

Helpful 0 2 Not Helpful
Amy on July 15, 2022

So far 3 charges of $5.34 anyone know how to get rid of it

Helpful 16 9 Not Helpful
Laurie Stauffer on July 18, 2022

I noticed you are charging me 5 dollars and something, I have no clue what it is. I would appreciate it of you would put the money back in my account. Otherwise I'll have to file a fraud report with my bank.

Helpful 15 3 Not Helpful
Jackie Stimson on August 03, 2022

4 charges at 4.99 on my bank account. Please refund and stop!!!

Helpful 0 2 Not Helpful
Nenad Čanak 05.08.2022. on August 05, 2022

Just charged me 199.00 RSD ($2.00 USD) ... no idea for what.

Helpful 0 1 Not Helpful
Joanne on August 06, 2022

I found this today when I was reconning my books. I've been charged 5 times since 28.2.2022. small amounts so it was easily overlooked. I have no idea what this is.

Helpful 2 1 Not Helpful
nancy on August 14, 2022

I have 6 charges of 5.35 each- weekly on my venmo card. from Google Codeway Google... with no clue what it is for or its sourc e. starting in July of 2022.

Helpful 0 2 Not Helpful
Robert on August 18, 2022

I just got charged 20$ for a codeway and have no idea what it is

Helpful 0 1 Not Helpful
Natajia on August 19, 2022

I don't understand why they charge me $4.99 from my account they need to put my money back

Helpful 0 1 Not Helpful
Jus2patient on August 20, 2022

I just seen where I was charged $5.29. I did subscribe to something but when I noticed I really wasn't using it to be charged every week for it there was no way for me to unsubscribe. I have even emailed the company with no response. Thing is that's not the name of what I subscribed to smh

Helpful 0 1 Not Helpful
Kayla on August 25, 2022

Have 3 charges from this month alone for 4.99 each. I want my money back!!

Helpful 0 1 Not Helpful
Barbara Pearson on August 26, 2022

There was an Attempt To Charge my debit Card But Because it was paused in the app it couldn't go through

Helpful 0 1 Not Helpful
Dewbakir on September 09, 2022

Please stop charge me . You have been charging me for 2 weeks with $3.5. Please stop

Helpful 0 1 Not Helpful
HeNnEsSy on September 12, 2022

Was charged $17.99 from this and I have no idea what for. Anyone able to help and identify the app that haqqs done this pls

Helpful 0 1 Not Helpful
Laura on September 14, 2022

Well i have 2 charges on my card! What is this??? Anyone know?

Helpful 0 1 Not Helpful
Blyneblack on September 15, 2022

Charge lkr 900 no idea

Helpful 0 2 Not Helpful
Adam on September 21, 2022

I got charged $1.5, when investigating it turned out to be an app in Google Store that charges weekly that amount after it was free at the beginning for a while. Go to google play store, account payment and subscriptions, and check there for transaction history. Also, regarding the publisher Codeway below link shows their apps maybe you are using:

Helpful 4 0 Not Helpful
Teri Houston on September 23, 2022

Google Codeway Google has four charges for September so far, each one is $5.40. I have absolutely no idea what these are for. I don't purchase anything from Google. At least not for a very long time. They also made an attempt to to charge me a $54 transaction which was declined. I don't know this moment what's going on but I will find out what is happening and post my findings on hope of helping someone else. I'm 68 years old trying to survive on social security but I am very good at research as Google Codeway Google will soon find out. Bless you all

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Jon T on September 26, 2022

Codeway is a Turkish app developer that offers "free trials" that are followed by weekly charges if you don't cancel the trial before it ends. I was charged $3.49 for Wonder AI because I forgot I had the trial. If you're seeing this charge on your account, go to the Play Store, click on your profile in the top right corner, then click on Payments & Subscriptions. Your Codeway apps should be there where you can cancel them.

Helpful 3 1 Not Helpful
Stacey on September 28, 2022

They charged my card 5.47 and I have no idea why. This is a scam and theft! This site needs to be looked into.

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Benjamin on October 01, 2022

I was 4charged $4.99 every two weeks. Google codeway Google855 8363987. $19.96 total

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Hamsah on October 01, 2022

I was charged 2 times every week for 1.69 $. What is that ? I am not suscribed in any app from Google Codeway. I have checked google payment and subscrition and nothing is there in my play store.

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Crystal on October 02, 2022

So I just got a charge of 4.99 on my card. Was wondering what it was from and found out it was from an app called Pixelup that I had previously downloaded. Had to redownload it at unsubscribe in the Google play store

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Jasmine Peterman on October 11, 2022

Have been charged for the last 5 months from Google Code way. Have no idea what all this is about?

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Colleen myers on October 15, 2022

Why was I charged 5.29 twice in 2 weeks. What is going on with Google to allow this to let this happen to me and other people and I know I want back what was taken without my knowledge

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Deanna on October 16, 2022

On October 14, 2022 I was charged $5.99 on my cash app card for Google codeway & I have no idea what this is.

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Wiseguy on October 25, 2022

I was charged 4.99$ but why I have no idea

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Jay on October 26, 2022

I had a charge from them. It was an app that would draw pictures of what ever I wanted . I guess I signed up for a free trial. They make an app called wonder and another called face dance. Others too just search codeway dijital or digital....on googleplay

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Rebeckah on November 01, 2022

I have multiple charges to my debit card. Fortunately I don't use that one unless I need to, so there is never any money on it, but they keep trying. Needs to stop!

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Jimmy on November 03, 2022

Hey All, I noticed I had this problem and came here. I was able to fix it by checking my subscriptions in the google play app, and then cancel subscriptions from there. Hope this helps.

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
How to fix this problem on November 05, 2022

Just open play store then in search box type in Codeway... All apps designed by this company will appear. Then you can see which apps of those u have subscribed to. Then go back to home page of play store and at the you left corner click on your picture. A drop down menu will appear then click on 'Payments & Subscriptions'... Then click "Subscriptions".... Then all of the apps that you are subsc6 to will appear. Choose any apps that came up when you searched Codeway. If you want to know specifically which so it's was that was charging a certain amount, then from the menu that appears after clicking Payments and Subscriptions, choose "Budget History". Then the list of charges will appear with app names and totals you were charged and when. I hope this helps.

Helpful 2 0 Not Helpful
Liana roberte on November 13, 2022

Apareceu agora essa cobrança

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Baron Anderson on November 19, 2022

It is a scam I tell you, seen it pop up 4 times in my bank account, and I am asked to close the account and get a different Debit Card, who wants to go through that?

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
eu fiz igual o amigo ai explicou deu certo pessoal on November 25, 2022

Como corrigir esse problema em 05 de novembro de 2022 Basta abrir a Play Store e, na caixa de pesquisa, digitar Codeway... Todos os aplicativos desenvolvidos por esta empresa serão exibidos. Então você pode ver em quais aplicativos você se inscreveu. Em seguida, volte para a página inicial da Play Store e, no canto esquerdo, clique na sua foto. Um menu suspenso aparecerá e, em seguida, clique em 'Pagamentos e assinaturas'... Em seguida, clique em "Assinaturas".... Em seguida, todos os aplicativos nos quais você está inscrito aparecerão. Escolha os aplicativos que surgiram quando você pesquisou o Codeway. Se você quiser saber especificamente qual foi o que estava cobrando um determinado valor, no menu que aparece depois de clicar em Pagamentos e Assinaturas, escolha "Histórico do Orçamento". Em seguida, a lista de cobranças aparecerá com nomes de aplicativos e totais cobrados de você e quando. Eu espero que isso ajude.

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Albert Hall on November 30, 2022

On Android phone go to the App store, then click your profile picture at the top. In the settings choose "Payments and Subscriptions" it will show all the apps that are charging you. Likely this is AVG Antivirus or some other such pay per week app.

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Bryan on December 20, 2022

Everybody calm down, it's just a billing method that most apps use. I paid 30 dollars for that new AI art thing and it displayed on my bank logs as google codeway google

Helpful 1 0 Not Helpful
Amarisa on January 21, 2023

I had a charge of $5.29 yesterday on my debit card. Have no idea what it is for. Checked all my subscriptions on Google and I only have 1. Which the charge isn't that high. I did do an unauthorized charge form through Google so hopefully they will correct it.

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Angel Alicea on January 24, 2023

I did not authorize codeway Google to continuously charge my debit account. I want to cancel this charge and reimburse me for all the previous charges as well. Thank you.

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Isa on February 12, 2023

Scam charge. Sign up for a free trial app then there is no way to cancel and you start getting charged. They do not respond to emails.

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Dani on February 22, 2023

I just checked my banking and saw that I was being charged weekly by GOOGLE*Codeway google I was convinced someone gained access to my card info. Thanks to 2 comments above, I went into Google Play store and checked my subscriptions. I was being charged appropriately as I had signed up for an app with a free trial and then charged weekly. I was able to easily unsubscribe and stop the payments. I was reading other comments of people being confident they did not purchase anything - and that may be the case and unfortunately then there is something suspicious going on - I hope this is not the case for you, whoever is reading this. Even if you feel confident you didn't purchase anything - just check it first anyway- and then depending on what you see take it from there.

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
codeway google fue una aplicacion Pixelup Pro que descargue y pague por una semana on March 02, 2023

codeway google tiene varias aplicaciones. revise en mis pagos y subscripciones en google play y me di cuenta que hize esa compra y cancele la subscripcion.

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Lindsay vanhorn on March 16, 2023

Got charged 2 times already

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Ashfaaq on March 16, 2023

Make it stop

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Luca on March 25, 2023

I checked my play store abonnements and i saw an app that was taking weekly the same amount that was suspicious with tant "Google Codeway". I stopped it easily.

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Mohamed on April 17, 2023

Thanks for people those help finding out about it. It was a subscription to (ASK AI) which started for free then costs $5/per week. I like the App, but it is costly, so I un-subscribed, that's it.

Helpful 1 1 Not Helpful
Mazhar on April 20, 2023

Opened the website and suddenly my money was deducted from my bank account although I purchased nothing

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Deb C on April 28, 2023

Was just charged $42. I do not know what it is for and can get nowhere for answers.

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Nicolasrobersts936 on May 01, 2023

I was just charged 6 dollars for something I know nothing about and never have from this codeway google thing

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Dawn Esquer on May 14, 2023

I got charged$4.99 and I don't buy anything on games. So I know for sure it wasnt me.

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Casey McDaugale on May 16, 2023

I've gotten multiple charges from Google codeway and I want it to stop and a refund.

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Daniel A Nichols on May 17, 2023

i signed up for the chat gpt... a weekly sub. i think it is $4.99. $5.34 after tax? maybe it is this. any1 else have chat gpt?

Helpful 1 0 Not Helpful
Muhammad Irfan Khan on May 26, 2023

I've gotten multiple charges from Google codeway and I want it to stop and want a refund.

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Stormy on May 26, 2023

I got charged many times for around $5 each time from this source

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Zinhle Sibiyq on June 04, 2023

You just charged me R104.99 on the 4 June don't know what's is this , I would appreciate if you returned my money immediately or I will have to report this transaction as fraud

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
BIljana on June 05, 2023

You just charged me 287 MKD on the 4 June don't know what's is this, I would appreciate it if you returned my money immediately, or I will have to report this transaction as fraud

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Darcy edwards on June 15, 2023

I was charged 9.90 something for this and I did not authorize this charge.

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Dong on June 22, 2023

I was charged $41.76 and $40.74 on June 20, 2023. I did not authorize those charge

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fervic escarpe on July 01, 2023

Stop charge me

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Sherry Steenrod on July 10, 2023

Being charged 3.49 weekly from Google codeway. I've been through all my subscriptions and I don't have anything.

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Jesse on July 13, 2023

Google codeway seems to be a chatgpt charge. For me it is the app "Ask AI". I just looked at the app and saw it is owned by the company Codeway.

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Null on July 18, 2023

Well I just got REFUNDED $56 from "GOOGLE CODEWAY GOOGLE"... Score!! Lol

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Joshua Rikhotso on July 23, 2023

I need my money back, how did this guy's even access the bank Authorization without my concern. ^$#!en scam!!!

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Moesha davis on July 24, 2023

Ask am charge me weekly and i want to unsubscribe and its not there i need help

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Moesha davis on July 24, 2023

Ask am charge me weekly and i want to unsubscribe and its not there i need help

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Just Me on July 26, 2023

GOOGLE*CODEWAY GOOGLE and GOOGLE*TAKI TAROT INV Both are stealing money from a Greendot account.

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Kima on July 28, 2023

This app or website charges me 3.49 a week. Never signed up for it!

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Mike M on August 03, 2023

I was being charged after trial period of Ask AI, Chat with Chatbot. Check your Subscriptions in Google Play Store to cancel.

Helpful 2 0 Not Helpful
I was charged R104.57 any has any Idea 💡 why😭😭 on August 09, 2023


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Pennie A on September 05, 2023

Thanks Mike M. I found a subscription under my Google Play store and cancelled it.

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
WWilson on September 18, 2023

the concensus seems to be universal. i have been charged $4.99 per week for last5 weeks and do no know what it is for. nor do i remember sighning up for whatever this service is. i would like a refund of all 5 charges and a termination of all future charges.

Helpful 1 0 Not Helpful
Kristine Mattice on September 20, 2023

I have the charges on my credit card at least 4 to 5 times a month .

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Shan on September 23, 2023

Definitely fraud I reported to us bank they reported it and gave me a new card.

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Asser Ibrahim Amin on September 24, 2023

many times i found deduct same amount from my credit card from GOOGLE CODEWAY GOOGLE . Please explain as i need to stop deduct this amount immediately .

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Gary on September 25, 2023

Had about 8 $5.29 charges on my corporate card and reported it as fraud

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Michael K Jones on September 28, 2023

I keep getting charge for this every month for $3.31. I have no clue of what it is. Another SCAM!

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Marques on September 28, 2023

I was in class then a Gmail pops up saying I was charged 5.51 for Google codeway and now my balance is in its negatives

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Chris on September 29, 2023

For the last month and a half every time i get paid this charge is on my account even when they don't have access

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Yehoda on September 30, 2023

On 29th September I was deducted an amount of 82gh cedis from my visa card from google codeway while I have No idea what it was

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Jonathan on September 30, 2023

How do I get rid of this

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Google Codeplay on September 30, 2023

My Debit card was stolen

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D. Elias on October 02, 2023

Just noticed on CC, $3.73 per week.

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Hawah Kennedy on October 03, 2023

My cash app card was charged 6 or 5 times

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Noel on October 03, 2023

I was charged for subscribing to Nerd Ai but I can't even do anything with it. Anytime I try to use it, they will ask me to subscribe which I already did. They took my 38 US dollars.

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Donald D. Brown on October 03, 2023

Google *Codeway Google, There is a charge on my debit card of $5.29 several times. I did not request this service. And would like a total refund.

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Sarah Sampman on October 03, 2023

I didn't ask for this service. Please delete me and give me back my money

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Diane on October 04, 2023

Oct.02,2023 a charge appeared on my bank statement for $5.33 with the name Google CODEWAY Google. So like everything else we do in life now,i googled it. And it brought .e here to file it. My bank is investigating the matter now!

Helpful 1 0 Not Helpful
Samuel Preston on October 06, 2023

they are taking 5.39 out of my account every week

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Rondal on October 06, 2023

My card keeps getting charged for a few

Helpful 0 1 Not Helpful
srdk on October 08, 2023

i am being charged 4.99 weekly. i dont know what this is .

Helpful 0 1 Not Helpful
Angela on October 08, 2023

I keep getting money taken out of my account

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Jeremy Cook on October 09, 2023

This company has charged my card several times I want my money back

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Mary Myers on October 09, 2023

I'm being charged by Google code way and I didn't authorize this

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
James Taylor on October 09, 2023

Mystery charge, debited from PayPal.

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Jobie Davis on October 10, 2023

It charges for nothing just charge

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I am being charged my google codeway and i nerver subdcribed for it. on October 10, 2023

No detsils

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Share on October 12, 2023

Can't someone figure out a way to stop these thieves from robbing us? 5 bucks a week is adding up!

Helpful 1 0 Not Helpful
Agyemang Emmanuel Hyginus on October 13, 2023

I was just charged 100aed for something I know nothing about and never have from this codeway google thing.

Helpful 1 0 Not Helpful
Rajnesh on October 14, 2023

I have goggle code way Charged in my account

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Michelle on October 16, 2023

If you bought any monthly or yearly subscription from an Google Play app, this is the charge. You should have been sent an Google confirmation and payment receipt email. It is legit.

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Michelle on October 16, 2023

I bought a yearly subscription to Ask AI. Google sent me an email with payment information and date of purchase. It will say Codeway Google. It is from Google Play.

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Maria laura Arias on October 17, 2023

Solicito se me de de baja de google codeway-por ver la publicidad sin estar convencida ,ni entender correctamente el servicio ,me toma descuento-

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Kathryn Valalik on October 29, 2023

I'm getting charged 2x a month $5.35. Why?

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Michael Waddington on November 01, 2023

How do I stop this charge this is ridiculous every month and I don't know what for

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MICHAEL JENKINS on November 05, 2023

This keeps taking money out of my account

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cathy staver on November 07, 2023

3 charges this month, I do not know what it is for.

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Sherry Miller on November 11, 2023

I've been seeing this charge for along time now. Wasn't sure n still have no idea what it's for. I'm done paying for it. Thank you

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Ogoo on November 12, 2023

I was debited 32,000 naira and I don't know what it is for neither did I make any subscription. I want my money back asap.

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful on November 14, 2023

Why is Google charging me $5.40???

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Jennifer on November 15, 2023

Google codeway charge past 2 weeks to bank account

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Candace kasser on November 21, 2023

Why Google codeway Google charge

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QueenBTradie on November 23, 2023

I have been charged this today 11.99 and don't rven know why as I don't have anything due.

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Precious Jenkins on November 26, 2023

Was wondering why my bank account was so low. $20 bucks was stolen now give it back!

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lior ozer on November 26, 2023

i was charged unligally on my credit card please stop the charge

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Stan on November 27, 2023

I caught a charge today for $24.99

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Sean Roberts on November 28, 2023

dont know what the hell this is

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Dibi Boris Zanan on December 03, 2023

C'est du vol. La seule chose que je fais est de naviguer sur google. Comment m'ont-ils prélévé 3611 et 3722 ? je sais pas.... C'est quoi cette affaire de Google Codeway?

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Emily on December 15, 2023

I just got this change on my account. What is it??

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kim stewart on December 18, 2023

stop takeing this charge out of my bank google codeway google dont know what it is

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Alicia on December 20, 2023

I got to charge for $5.99 to my credit card saying that it's codeway Google I don't remember signing up for any of this

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Darren Terry on December 21, 2023

Charge on my PayPal account for 3.73 and I don't have any idea what this is being charged for

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Darren Terry on December 21, 2023

Yeah it's not much money 3.73 but take that times millions of people and someone is getting rich and it sure ain't us

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Paulette on December 27, 2023

I didn't authorize this charge

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Ken Mauser on December 28, 2023

I have 4 of these charges on my latest credit card statement for $4.99 each.

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Ton Nam Nguyen on January 03, 2024

Card 4200***0512 has been made transaction amount 123,158.00VND (Debit) at 2023-12-30 09:31:55 Google Codeway Google. Available balance: 5,780,465 VND

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Lacie on January 06, 2024

Have a charge on my account for this Google codeway Google!! I did not authorize this charge and it's fraud even though it's less than five dollars. $5 is a lot right now

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Dusti rose on January 14, 2024

I signed up for the free trial and it charged my card the same day 5.99

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Ramsay on January 16, 2024

Charged multiple times a month I have no subscriptions what do I do been happening for months and months

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Cydney Imel on January 24, 2024

Google codeway go on my account is not my charge. How do I get rid it and stop it.

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Mary McGee on January 28, 2024

1/26/2024 GOOGLE *Codeway Google 855-836-3987 CA $5.32

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Adrian Jones on January 30, 2024

Being charged $4.99 monthly

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Pitso Nglela on January 31, 2024

You just charged me R104.99 on the 4 June don't know what's is this , I would appreciate if you returned my money immediately or I will have to report this transaction as fraud

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Adrienne Benedetto on February 02, 2024

I'm being charged 5.29 a .month and have no idea what this is

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Kelly McQuaid or on February 19, 2024

I am not sure what this charge is for

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Morena on February 20, 2024

I was charged twice for $7.90, once last week and once today. I don't even have an Android phone, I don't understand how they would have got my card number. I just reported it to the bank and had to cancel my card.

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alex franco on March 11, 2024

no s epor que cobran por algo que no dicen de que es ratas .

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Petro on March 13, 2024

I don't know what it is, but they keep taking money out of my account

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Jack on March 13, 2024

I was charged for this and I have not authorized it

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Kelly on April 08, 2024

I cannot figure out what the Google*CODEWAY GOOGLE charge for $5.35. I had 4 charges, 1 per week. JAN 16,22,29,FEB 5,2024. I cannot figure out what the charge was for.

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Owen in April 2024 on April 12, 2024

AUD 6.99 deducted on the following dates 24/05/2023 17/05/2023 10/05/2023 3/05/2023 26/04/2023

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Christina on April 13, 2024

Subject: Unauthorized Charges on My Bank Account I am deeply concerned about two unauthorized charges of $5.34 each that were deducted from my bank account—one on April 4th and another on April 10th. I fear that there may be additional unnoticed transactions slipping through. To address this, I plan to sit down with my bank and meticulously review my entire account history. The perplexing part is that these charges are associated with something called “Google Codeway.” However, I have no recollection of ever ordering or authorizing such payments from Google. I’ve noticed that others have also been charged for this mysterious “Google Codeway” without knowingly making any related purchases. This situation seems highly irregular for a company like Google, and I intend to investigate further. If indeed these charges are connected to Google, I find it disappointing and concerning. I hope to get to the bottom of this and hold them accountable if necessary.

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Steven Stiglbauer on April 25, 2024

I have "Google*Codeway Google" as a credit card charge. What is this for? I have no idea.

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RJ Weber on May 13, 2024

Google Codeway charge appeared on my bankcard for $64.45 without my knowledge or consent.

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GangStalk Victim (Mobile, Al) May 2024 on May 16, 2024

This is about the 5th charge in a week from google and isnt a subscription or authorized payment. They are part of a gangstalking ring silently murdering americans quietly along with federal govt, and use cults, gangs and mafias local to the areas of victims to help carry out these torturous attacks.

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Susan Vivian on May 19, 2024

I have a charge on my debit card for codeway Google. I don't know what it's for. So it must be a scam

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Ezekiel on June 03, 2024

I never installed one of the codeway google apps, yet somehow i was charged 229.000 rupiah (around 14 USD) for a yearly subscription plan.

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Lynn miley on June 13, 2024

Tried to take 64.94 fron my cash app accoint at 1:59 am todsy. My cashapp funds were low so it was declined. So my card is locked it said it was for codeway google

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Maria John on June 15, 2024

Please stop this transaction from my account from Google code Way, I didn't authorize it and is suspicious

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Jerrod M on June 24, 2024

Codeway Google charge for 4.99 usd

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Sharon Dell McDonald on June 27, 2024

I don't recall using this service

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Crystal Ackman on July 07, 2024

I have s few now

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hugo f cocuyame on July 15, 2024

Codeway Google charge for $39.99

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Deanna on July 25, 2024

I was charged if a charge from Google codeway now my debit card and I never authorized it and would like a full refund and we take it off their subscription of whatever it is

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Mthobisi on August 08, 2024

Trying to take people's money in their bank accounts without their knowledge is stealing, please stop it, it's unacceptable. I'am reporting this to bank now, I don't even know what subscription I made with anyone or anything. Please stop

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Robert James Frost on August 11, 2024

I am being charged for Google Codeway that I did not sign up for.

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Nancy C Fretta on September 07, 2024

I did not subscribe and do not know what service Being charged weekly

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ncf on September 07, 2024

Reported to Bank as Fradulent activity

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Selassi on December 02, 2024

GOOGLE *Codeway Google 855-836-3987 CA| has been charging me weekly $4.99 for a transaction l dont recall sanctioning. Can you help me stop the withdrawal and to have all funds refunded

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Angel on January 14, 2025

This is actually scary AF. So, I was trying to search for an emergency vet ( I have an adorable Shih Tzu, his name is KIWI 🥝. I have had him since he was one pound (8 weeks). Something is extremely wrong w/him. I was walking with my son to take Kiwi potty, as we were walking, Kiwi jolted, stopped, pooped two little ones, than was delusional, couldn't walk, wobbling back/forth.). After researching, I found out that these things are associated w/KIWI'S age. 😭, might possibly have stroke and worse. I need to take him in emergency vets, but I have no money, hus resps are not good and I lost three babies.. k do not want to lose my baby, idk what to do.); I was trying to get him per insurance, and make sure there's no loopholes, but my palpal is sending me emails saying, These transactions where canceled, and please deposit money ( via PayPal) but the email didn't tell me who it is who has been trying to desperately getting me. Thus has been going on days . These three fraud company are based information different they aeè Smart edge, Tdsri Limited and google codeway google and Weish limited . All based out of different country's but all have one thing in common which is wich Technology.. idk how PAYPAL DIDN'T CATCH THIS..

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Adam on February 23, 2025

I keep getting charged by this Google code way bull!$^# I don't have the money for this !$^# company to be taking however much they want whenever the ^$#! they want

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nancy on March 17, 2025

i dint subscribe and you rake money from my account plz refund

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nancy on March 17, 2025

stop this transaction i didn't subscribe

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anon e mouse on March 21, 2025

I too have been charged 5.99 for Google codeway. What I want to know and nobody seems to want to explain to anyone, is what the hell is Google codeway? Just explain to me what it is first please. Does anyone know?

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