First seen January 14, 2023. Last updated on March 09, 2025.

The credit card charge GOOGLE* LI FUCHANG was first submitted to our database on January 14, 2023. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen GOOGLE* LI FUCHANG charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen GOOGLE* LI FUCHANG on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

79% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Charge Information

Merchant Aiwit Cloud Storage for Security Camera (edit)
Website (edit)
Phone Click to Add
Category Security (edit)
Description This is the subscription for the cloud storage for your security camera that you won from some fishing thing, or bought from Temu or Wish or AliExpress. Its for Aiwitt doorbell camera subscription (edit)

What people are saying...

Dana Foley on January 14, 2023

It did not do this and have no idea what it is for. I am going to call the police. I am done with this scam!!

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Gloria Pennington on February 09, 2023

Did not and do not know who this is. I will call the Attorney General for fraud.

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Rusti Johnson on June 25, 2023

What is this? I didn't do this. You are stealing

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Evelyn Weathers on July 08, 2023

This company charged my credit card and I have no ideal who they are. I didn't sign up or subscribe to this. Google needs to stop allowing companies to get your personal information. I had to cancel my card for this unauthorized transaction. I also called my bank .

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Sharon Weatherspoon on July 18, 2023

This company charged my credit card and I have no ideal who they are. I didn't sign up or subscribe to this.

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Thierry on July 19, 2023

No idea why I have bien charged of 30 CHF on my card !

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Rain on July 22, 2023

It's for the AIWIT doorbell cam service.

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Dany on August 01, 2023

Thanks so much to RAIN. I did sign up for a year of doorbell cam service yesterday and forgot

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Wetzig on August 14, 2023

Showed up on my Credit Card as a charge. I don't know what it is for.

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Chris on September 10, 2023

Yes, it is for the Aiwit Doorbell camera.

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Rosalyn Anderson on September 21, 2023

This charge seems suspicious and I know nothing about it

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Bonnie Seagro on September 24, 2023

They are trying to take money from me and I don't know WHO OR WHY OR FOR WHAT please help me

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Frank Urgelles on September 26, 2023


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Debra C. on September 30, 2023

continually getting a charge google and Lifuchang. Made several attempts to debit cash app account. ten times or more within a month. I have no idea who/what this is.

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johnny williams on October 03, 2023


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Tracie Marie Smith on October 04, 2023

This appears on my Cash App everyday as "Google" or "Li Fuchang" for a payment of $20.56. I have no idea who it is , nor have i authorized any charges to be made.

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Becky Paddock on October 05, 2023

Charged 32.48 from Google LI Fuchang have no idea who they are.

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Bob GIlbert on October 06, 2023

Charge for 43.24 appeared on credit card statement

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Shane Robertson on October 08, 2023

After using PayPal on a purchase ended up with multiple transactions from Google Li Fuchang 14 for $54.99 on the same day. After going through statements. It wasn't the first time this has happened

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Kelli D on October 11, 2023

I got a message from my bank thru Chime saying this company was trying to use my card. Then I remembered I had recently placed a Temu order and this was the name on the package that had sent it. Hmmmm...

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Patrick Carrozzi on October 14, 2023

What i this charge

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Calvin on October 19, 2023

I don't know what this is

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Adam Hernandez on October 23, 2023

It shows up on my cash app every other day for purchase of 1059 and I don't even know what it is

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Marion Monroe on October 25, 2023

Just had my cash app be hit twice by Li funhang.. what the he'll is it?

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Amanda on October 27, 2023

I just got a notification as well from this company. Some are saying it's for the AIWIT doorbell subscription to be able to see videos that were recorded on your doorbell camera. But I have a Eken brand video doorbell. Gonna look into this. I seen this company listed as Scam also.

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Lindinalva on November 03, 2023

Cobrança porém eu não tinha limite

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Samuel on November 04, 2023

I've been investigating, and is because of security camera I bought of Amazon, and if you are not subscribed, you can't save the videos

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Karol Peake on November 05, 2023

This is the cloud storage for your security camera that you bought from Temu or Wish or Aliexpress or some people won them as prizes in a fishing contest. The service is $30/year

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Shawna Davis on November 09, 2023

I have not approved this type of charge it says it's for Google LI Fuch for $29.99

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Joshua Wood on November 14, 2023

I don't know who or what Li Fuchang is but they tried to take money from numerous accounts I have. They started with Cash App. Then tried to hit my PayPal account but luckily I don't keep money in those accounts. They tried to charge me $32.08 and I have no clue what it's for. Upon looking the name up on a Google I can clearly see the name is a known scammer name. Hopefully they are arrested because they seem to be targeting a specific demographic or class of person. Every case I've seen or claim has been someone that doesn't have a lot of money because they all have overdrafted due to the fraud payment and they are all roughly $32. Tells me it's coming through an app that people who might be on government assistance are using. Or low income individuals. It's probably an app where you can sign up for free cell service maybe or where you fill out forms for free health care or something like that. That's why they should be arrested and charged hard because they are stealing from people who are already poor or struggling and don't have the extra $32 to lose. Clearly a Chinese name. Nothing more cowardly than committing financial crimes and scams where people have no clue it's coming and then surprise. If they want to steal from people to be a man about it and take it not act like a rat and do it so people can't see it coming.

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Douglas Taylor on November 15, 2023

Google li-fuchang

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Angela on November 15, 2023

Google *LI FUCHANG tried to charge my card

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William Chapman on November 22, 2023

Do not know what the charge is for $31.98

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Li foochang on November 23, 2023

I have no idea what this is but they charged my card how do I report it

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James Case on December 09, 2023

I have noticed on my credit card I never ordered anything from this or anything to the sort I want my money back on my credit card i have also reported this also as a fraud to my credit card

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James Case on December 09, 2023

I have noticed a 32 dollar and some change on my credit card I never authorized I would like to be compensated from it I reported this charge as fraud I never ordered anything to the sort and I am getting my money back I screen shot this thing and it will be handled

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Jake Williams on December 13, 2023

Google Lifuchang is a scam and I don't know how to make them stop charging my card so I had to cancel my card and order a new one

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Paul Luna on December 15, 2023

I have no idea about this and I cannot remember the last time I purchased something with google pay

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Karen Taylor on January 03, 2024

I just looked over my bank statement and there is a charge of $31.67 for a purchase at Google LI FUCHANG, Mountainview, CA on December 14, 2023. I am going to report this as fraudulent.

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Ambam on January 10, 2024

Was charged $30 from this company. I do not know who it is and never purchased anything on Google.

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Trooper on January 15, 2024

I started with the doorbell, It was free for 30 days. After the 30 days it starts out rather cheap $2.99 to $3.99 for 1 month. I bought the Patio cam and did not get free service with it. Next, the 1month plan was gone and they wanted me to pay 1 year for two devices.

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Noman khan on January 22, 2024

I they charged

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Noman khan on January 22, 2024

I saw in pc card they charge $ 39

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Sanders on January 24, 2024

I've been seeing this charge 32.69

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Sam Rae on February 10, 2024

My partner got a notifcation on her phone and when she checked the notifcation was from Google Pay to LI FUNCHANG. NZ$54. It is an unauthorized payment so the way I look at it Googles paying service has obviously been compromised looking at the amount if people with the same fraud complaint thru google.

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Edward on February 25, 2024

I have an unauthorized charge for $29.99 from Google Li fuchang on 02/21/2024. The odd part about this charge is, they attempted the charge twice a day for multiple weeks. It was 'declined' then one day I wake up to the same charge 'pending' now it was approved and not by myself, but assuming my bank. Please help me figure out who or what this charge is from. Thank you!

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Daryl Henderson on March 10, 2024

They changed my card 20.00

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Richard Daly on April 01, 2024

I mistakenly made a charge of $30.80 twice for a six month subscription for GOGGLE li fuchang that should have been only charged once.i want a refund. The transaction was dated 03/13/2024

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Bernice on April 19, 2024

I was charged 29.99 from this Google and I dont know what it is for.

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mark on April 26, 2024

LI Funchang posted on my account. Do not know what it is. Fraud?

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Tara on June 01, 2024

I had a scam charge to Google li chang.

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Ruby Williams on June 06, 2024

Keep trying to charge my cashapp card 🙄 so I was wondering it's affiliated with Google

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Ruby Williams on June 06, 2024

Unknown account keep trying to charge my cashapp card this Fi Fuchang is the company

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Barbara Weigel on June 15, 2024

I have a charge for 29.99 and I don't know what it's for. From CA US

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Li Fuchang on June 16, 2024

My cash app account has been charged regularly unnoticed. When I did notice I attempted to block the company and am now on my fourth attempt. I had to move all money to savings and lock my card

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Yasmin on July 08, 2024

They should put the name as ho they are Iwatiti door bell that is why I didn't know ho they was

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Shaquetta woodard on July 22, 2024

Dog took 31 out of my account that I did not authorize I would like my money back immediately please

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Shaquetta woodard on July 22, 2024

I did not authorize a payment to be taken out of my account I would like my money back immediately. And please don't take anything else out of my account without my approval thank you

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Brian Shafer on July 28, 2024

GOOLE FUNCHANG charged card then try to tkae more

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Jackie Levingston on July 31, 2024

I did not authorize this charge. DC GOOGLE *LI FUCHANG 855-836-3987 CA Ref:421105813090 Auth:323089 PurchDate:07-29-2024

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Joey on August 05, 2024

If you have purchased an AIWIT doorbell camera, this is the annual subscription charge for their services. Worth every penny when you consider how expensive the RING doorbell camera storage is.

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Efrain Gonzalez on August 15, 2024

Me salio en mi tarjeta un cargo de 31 dollares y no conozco ese sitio

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Sheila Garmon on August 20, 2024

It was charged on my card as my bank debit card got hacked and i had called all my debitors and they reversed and somehow showed whatever document which I don't know how that was valid to my credit card company. So I told my credit card you support hackers because they obviously don't understand about accounts being comprimised or hacked. So I am closing my credit card amount and would like a refund back through my bank and if you need that information or if you can't do that then mail me. I don't know this company nor had any dealings with them and they have charged my account twice now

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Ruben Imbriaco on September 13, 2024

Charge in my C.C.In setember 3 $ 29.99

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Renee Florence on October 02, 2024

GOOGLE* LI FUCHANG CA charge on my bank account is a fraudulent or unrecognized charge

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Kirra on October 18, 2024

This charge has tried to come out on a total of 4 of my cards...all were logged into my Google Wallet! I'm VERY upset that Google is allowing this to happen!

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Jeff S on November 18, 2024

Charged my credit card for cloud storage. Trying to contact Aiwit (GOOGLE* LI FUCHANG) but can't find a way to. No contact info.

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somebody on November 22, 2024

This is a scam keep your eyes open they try to get money off 2 of my card.

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Darlene Scott on November 29, 2024

Just notice this charge a minute ago did not make it would like for my money to be put bck on my card

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Darlene Scott on November 29, 2024

Been taking money off my card since January of 2023

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Debora Plaster on January 06, 2025

There is acharge for 29.99on my card and did not make this charge !!!! I would like my money back !!!! Thank you

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Travis on January 08, 2025

Not a scam. It is an annual subscription that renews until cancelled. Perhaps they should put Awit in the chargw name to keep people from freaking out.

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Travis on January 08, 2025

Also. You can go through you google account and cancel this transaction with Awit. Some of you may forgot that you signed up for it and forgot that it auto renews.

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Jonathon on February 03, 2025

Unknown charges Google PayPal.

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Ghost on February 05, 2025

Li FuChang google tried charging my debit card $ 28.99...straight scams.lucky for me my debit card is kept locked ...

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TAMMY H THIGPEN on February 10, 2025

My bank account was charged 31.31 from Li Fuchang and I want my account credited back with this amount

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Lisa Brown on February 23, 2025

My account was charged 32.99. I want my money back

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Tan on March 09, 2025

Cloud subscription for app aiwit

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Chris on March 09, 2025

I was just got hit for it and Google * LI Fuchang for 38.98. I look at all my subscription. I don't have could subscription app aiwit. I have sent a report into Google, have not responds yet.

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