First seen January 10, 2014. Last updated on August 02, 2019.
The credit card charge MPA PARKING PAY BY PHO MIAMI FL GOVERNMENT SERVICES NOT ELSEWHERE CLASSIFIED was first submitted to our database on January 10, 2014. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.
Have you seen MPA PARKING PAY BY PHO MIAMI FL GOVERNMENT SERVICES NOT ELSEWHERE CLASSIFIED charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen MPA PARKING PAY BY PHO MIAMI FL GOVERNMENT SERVICES NOT ELSEWHERE CLASSIFIED on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!
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What is mpa parking bay by phomiami Its the Miami phone app for pay car parking. I've had a dodgy charge from them, despite never having been to the US. My bank wasn't sure if it was a 'tickle' from a scammer, or a genuine error if their app doesn't have the usual protections against a use typo.
Had a charge on my bank card for $2.17 this clearly is a scam cancelled my bank card before they try and withdraw a large amount
They charged my bank card $1.22 for parking .I cancelled card before they tried to get more .I have never been to Miami
They charged $1.25 for parking to my Bank Of America account. I live in CA and last went to Florida over 10 years ago. Clearly fraudulent and my card has been canceled.
Haven't been to Florida since 1992 and definitely didn't have the bank account then and now living in Australia. Have never registered for any pay by phone apps.
It is a scam. I live in australia. I never went to Florida. When you have this notification, transfer money immediately to a new account.
Today I was charged $1.24 Aus from MPA PARKING PAY BY PHO MIAMI on my bank statement. Never been to Miami USA. Contacted my bank closed the card, will be receiving my money back & a new card. Bank says they will investigate this as they have had this transaction pop up before with other customers of commonwealth bank.
just had this happen on our account. Cancelled cards and contacted the bank. Also with commonwealth bank
Thankfully, I saw the 1.25 charge as soon as it hit my bank from this exact same scammer-- exact same wording on my statement. Florida is one of 3 states I've never been to EVER! being the research queen that I am I can't stop hunting for the source of this scam. Past experience tells me I will learn little from my bank's 'investigation' but, I'm grateful they handled it quickly and, efficiently.
I was charged 1.28 by the same scammer on June 20. Cancelled my card
Have notifications set up on phone; as soon as $1.22 charge came across tonight I canceled my card. I am not anywhere near Miami and have not paid a parking charge in at least a year. Bank and I agree it is a "fishing" charge to take more as soon as small amount goes through.
Charged $1.25 & $1.50 over the past 2 days. I haven’t been to Miami since I was 19 years old. I’m also currently in New York. I’m familiar with how merchant accounts work. I’m wondering how the merchant account is still able to process payments with (what I’d imagine) such a high percentage of charge backs. I’m going to research & see who actually owns this business - so annoying!
I live in Melbourne Australia and was apparently paying for parking in Miami while I slept... as suspicious as a wet fart.
It is 7/21/2019 I am living in California, received this charge yesterday for $1.00. I quickly called BoA, I was happy they responded so quickly. I am being sent a new card as we speak, though it sucks to wait 4 to 6 days for a new card but I am ok with that. I still wonder how they even got my info, as I am very careful with my transactions and where I use my card. All online transactions are through paypal which is linked to only a credit card. Debit card is only used to withdraw money if I ever need to. I want to post on here so other people do not get scammed. I am telling all my friends/family to check their balance.
Whoever is behind this tried to steal $1.78 from me. Clearly a test amount before they go for more. Fortunately, I only have just over $10 in that account and transfer funds as I need them. Still, my card was put on hold and after I called the bank, they still went ahead and issued a new card. I'm an Aussie and I don't drive so I'm nowhere near Florida and certainly wouldn't need a car park.
Fraudulent charge $0.88 July posted as ATM purchase at MPA Pay By Phone.
Apeared in my transactions 20th July 2019 for $1.43. I'm from Australia and have never even been to Florida. Called commonwealth bank and reported as fraud, they cancelled my current card and are sending a new one.
$1.25 charge on my debit card, advised by bank it was keyed in (not swiped) Bank claims they (whomever they are) keyed in the correct expiration date Only used card couple times locally at ATM (to activate card inside bank branch), I am in New England, haven't been to FL since late 90s