First seen February 25, 2014. Last updated on October 23, 2023.
The credit card charge PARTY CITY #1002 QPS IL was first submitted to our database on February 25, 2014. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.
Have you seen PARTY CITY #1002 QPS IL charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen PARTY CITY #1002 QPS IL on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!
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Description | Party city location that us closed permanently (edit) |
Complete Debit Fraud. .....showed up on my bank account as 603.36 Party City #1002.....notified bank but will take several days to dispute
Tried to charge 142.26 on my Capital One CC. Have to get new card and notify all my auto drafts. BS!
Capital One caught the attempted $191.43 charge from Party City #1002 - DECLINED. Fraud alert issued. no party on me tonight!
Same thing as others Fraud charge of 40.63, caught in time and reported to Cap one
Attempted charge of $619, not today you thieving jerks!
Capital One here, also.. thankful for the email that notified me! 60.94 ...Not today, silly thieves! :-)
Cap One CC charge declined for $340.00 Party City #1002 11-17 WTF???
Thanksgiving morning Wells Fargo notified us of a fraudulent charge on our card for Party City #1002 $628.18 The transaction was declined
Capital One notified me. 16 charges on the same day totaling over $500. Party City #1002 1/4/18. Stupid hackers!
$208 charge on my cc. Notified immediately by my bank, now need to change cc number everywhere. BS...
Those freak hackers compromised our debit card fton USAA, a complete Debit Fraud. Our bank account as $583.45 from no existing Party City #1002. The bank will take care the issue and two days via FEDEX new csrds will be received.
Oh My God! That happened to me yesterday! I am from Dominican Republic. They charged my bank account for US$299.66. But, what is Party City? How do they got my information?
How does this keep on happening? Someone just jacked my Capital One numbers and spent $400 at #1002 qps il. They also went haywire and attempted to buy crap at Chipotle Online, Deckers, Groupon, Party City and Nordstrom.
Just got frauded for $167!
Three fraud charges on my credit card from Party City 1002
1 charge of $124.55 it says “Party City BOPIS” buy online pickup in store
Four fraudulent charges from Party City pending on my account and if I didn’t locked my debit card then it would’ve been a fifth one since another Charge was being attempted but it got declined.