First seen December 26, 2014. Last updated on April 23, 2024.

The credit card charge SEARS ROEBUCK 7936 ROUND ROCK TX was first submitted to our database on December 26, 2014. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen SEARS ROEBUCK 7936 ROUND ROCK TX charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen SEARS ROEBUCK 7936 ROUND ROCK TX on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

83% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Charge Information

Merchant sears roebuck (edit)
Website Click to Add
Phone 8003667278 (edit)
Category Click to Add
Description Click to Add

What people are saying...

Diane on February 24, 2016

This was a legitimate charge. We had enrolled in a subscription for our refrigerator's filter. We had forgotten and we had bought a new refrigerator. They seem to be helping us get the charge back and we will return the filter.

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Pedro luque on June 05, 2016

I don't had enrolled in anything.

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nurse.kaye on August 17, 2016

fraudulent charge

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Alejandro C on October 14, 2016

Fraud x2

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Allen Paige on July 24, 2017

Sears Roebuck 7936 Round Rock Texas, is a total scam.

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Shawn on February 25, 2018

I never enrolled in anything for them to charge me nor auto draft 63.11 out. Matter of I reported it to my bank and got a new card and number so it wouldn't Happen again and it just happened today 2/25/18. They are a scam nothing more. I called the 800 number and he couldn't answer none of my question and didn't make me feel me feel any easier. Regardless off a filter I didn't ask for me nor authorization.

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C F on June 23, 2018

2 fraudulent charges 6 months a part. Debit card from Va. Never go to sears. Never been to Round Rock. Something has been going on with Sears for years. Don't use debit card online. This has to be a lot more going on with this scam than we know. Not sure why the government has never gotten involved except that most of the charges are not large. Multiply by hundreds or thousands if these people are doing this with other companies. Everyone seems to be so concerned about hippa....what a joke! All these companies outsource their customer services out of the country. These folks have too much information. These people will continue to do this and we ALL pay the price on so many levels. Sears, shame on you! You have known about this for years some how within your company someone has figured out how to pull this off and reflect the charges were made in the store with a card?? So...either that is done within your employees or your contracts or if someone has hacked your system? Bank account has been closed. These disgusting people will continue to steal the hard earned money from unsuspecting individuals as long as they can get by with it. Sears store 7936 Round Rock

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Max on February 22, 2019

Sears at Round Rock Texas sole my money they are crooks

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Yolanda TS on July 03, 2020

Woke up this am to an alert debit of $58.83 on my Citi card from Parts 07936 Round Rock us. Never heard of this. Did not recognize the charge. Called Citi, all they could tell me was that it was a department store, no phone # nor any identifying info. So I disputed the charge and card was cancelled. Later still puzzled decided to check on the internet for Parts 07936, etc. immediately showed Sears and I remembered the auto ship order for refrigerator filter. Then called Sears to let them know what happened. The Rep seemed oblivious to the stupidity of not identifying themselves when they make a charge on a credit card. She reminded me that they remind you with 30 days notice. Apparently this not a first, there are many complaints on the internet about this. The charge is legit, but w/out ID how are you to recognize the charge. I told the Rep to let the appropriate person know what is happening. I’m writing this in the hopes that someone with the proper authority at Sears will correct the situation. I am angry I had to cancel my card, going on vacation, etc, etc. I cancelled the auto ship and will now order as I need the part.

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Jennifer on November 29, 2020

Fraud Charge.

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Victim on December 23, 2020

I run into "Parts 07936 Round Rock TX" fraud charges, credit card company is investigating...Be aware!!!

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Zack on January 08, 2021

Ya so I been trying to figure out i can do to somehow get my money back. Got me running the call circle. Sears doesn't know anything. Got new card but how do u track who or where it came from.... please

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Jimmy D on March 22, 2021

FRAUD - fake parts company - they have never shipped a part to me - but take the $$ that day.

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Ana Marie W on April 26, 2021

I also thought this was a fraudulent charge but this is for the water filter for our refrigerator. Glad I did not cancel card!

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Elizabeth G on May 19, 2021

My bank's fraud division thought the transaction was suspicious and declined the charge. too thought it was for my Sears water filter, so I called Sears. Their system showed no subscription order had recently been done, so at this moment I'm assuming it was fraud. BUT ... I am due to receive a water filter, and the subscription page online shows the order is to be filled in one week. So I can't be sure that it was fraud. Frustrating experience, with no doubt more to come.

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Patricia Jeannette Cole on September 20, 2023

do not understand charge of $54.14 on 9/23/2023 Charged to my Discover card

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Nancy Board on February 01, 2024

I was sent a refrigerator ice and water filter that I didn't order and was charged on my credit card $64.49.

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James W Vercher on March 04, 2024

Unknown charge for $118.70

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Thomas on April 15, 2024

Ordered a treadmill belt online that they apparently don't have and have a permanent "Some order updates are delayed although the parts have shipped. We're working to resolve this." They have no intention of sending part, but charged my Credit Card anyway.

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juanita allen idaho on April 23, 2024

SEARS 7936 ROUND ROCK TX 00005412 839546 XX6471 DEBITCARD 04/14 15:51 Was charged on my debit. I did not get the product.

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juanita allen idaho on April 23, 2024

ordered on internet. did not get product. how do I know you are not another scam?

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juanita allen idaho on April 23, 2024

charged on account. address and number reached a merchant in Boise, Idaho

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