First seen January 12, 2021. Last updated on April 25, 2021.

The credit card or debit card charge WELL OKMAL7.COM was first submitted to our database on January 12, 2021. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen WELL OKMAL7.COM charge on your credit card? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen WELL OKMAL7.COM on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

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97% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

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What people are saying...

Ionela caraiman on January 12, 2021

They take from my credit card 49,95 but i don’t do the permission!!!

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Norah Hubbard on January 18, 2021

Please cancel subscription

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Emma on January 18, 2021

They've already taken £49.95 from my debit card and have tried to take another £49.95...only just spotted the last payment as I got a notification that the latest payment was declined! Never even heard of the company

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Tracy on January 19, 2021

Appeared out of nowhere on my bank statement $1.00 (for trial) and the the monthly sub. Couldn’t find them anywhere on the internet until I saw this ad.

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Glenisannclarke on January 20, 2021

Keep getting payments out my bank for 49.95 need help

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stephen on January 22, 2021

The company I believe is based in Stockport UK [ a sort of grocer market store} ,I believe 49.95 is the recurring charge ,if you want to email then drop the well section in your search OKMAL7 Is the company ,,,,they tried it on with me ...visit your bank straight away and get them to refund you and stop further payments

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Clive Tombs on January 22, 2021

How can I cancel the payment from WELL OKMAL7.COM please help. December and January £49.95

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Ricardo" not a happy chappy" on January 27, 2021

got my statement today and £24.97 taken on the 17th Jan... Just on the phone now to Santander.... after 45 minutes waiting spoke to a guy named Paul...Told him its fraud and was told no problem we will Credit your Account £24.97 and investigate WELL OKMAL7.COM which he says is a"" Protein shop" in Stockport Hope This Helps Ricardo "is now a happy chappy"

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Notts steve on January 29, 2021

I was charged £49.95 by two WELL OKMAL7 and PROMAC OKMAL7 and I’m now trying to sort it out as I just got my statement

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Maxine Rutherford on February 07, 2021

They took £49.95 which the bank stopped anymore transactions until today when they managed to go around the bank and took another £24.97 using a different name which i managed to get a refund from the bank this time

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robert edwards on February 23, 2021

been onto the bank today with the same £49.95 problem they have blocked them now but the company was vital esmal7.com. sounds like the same company using different address

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Pete Harrison on March 02, 2021

I had £1 taken on my Dec 2000 statement and £49.95 from my Jan 2021 statement. Both from Vita Okmal.Com .My bank Nationwide tell me it was a competition I entered from an email sent to me for a free phone for £1. Silly me. I have filled in a Declaration Form and cancelled my credit card.

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Steve Thomas on March 09, 2021

I'm surprised they're still doing this. In my case I clicked a hyperlink on Ebay. It leads to an address reward-zone.co. I've downloaded the html code. They already know which phone you're not going to win, regardless of which box you click or how many questions you answer. The address that you're then led to is https://fast.track321.live/click/1? followed by a parameter list. This is where you give them your card details and phone number. They get you to agree to pay them £1 on the card to check that it is genuine. Once they've done that, they set up a continuous charge of £49.95 a month. If you complain, they will tell the bank you've signed up for a monthly subscription of some kind. Of course, the first you know of this is when money starts disappearing from your account, which might be only a couple of days after you fell for the scam. The safest way to enter these 'free competitions' is to use a card that's linked to a basic bank account and only keep as much in it as you can afford to lose. Like £5..To hide on the internet they use a domain provider in Canada called contactprivacy.com

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Gillian Bale on March 15, 2021

Please cancel subscription £49.95 taken twice from my bank account which I cant afford Tha king you in advance

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Dr Sunil Abeysuriya on April 25, 2021

I have been debited £49.95 on 11.12.20 & 0n 8.1.21 for the same amount This is a fraudulent transaction I have reported this to the bank NO REFUND YET

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