First seen January 30, 2015. Last updated on December 23, 2017.
The credit card charge ALLIED CREDIT SYSTEMS INDIANAPOLIS IN was first submitted to our database on January 30, 2015. It has not been reported by any users.
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This company, also related to LANDLORD PORTAL and the parent company named XIMAND TECHNOLOGY PARTNERS Inc. was a group of companies that qualified landlords could use to run copies of credit reports on perspective tenants using the Xi2010 LANDLORD TENANT SCREENING SYSTEM. Landlords could run a Background Histrory Check report, Credit reports (with or without current FICO score), Criminal Record reports, Eviction Reports or various combination bundles of reports. Each report carried a separate fee. Landlords needed to certify that they had an appropriate FCRA signed release form for any individual screened. They provided name, SSAN, DOB and other required information and had the report within 1 minute. I last used them in 2011 and I think that they have gone out of business. They were located in Indianapolis, Indiana