First seen April 03, 2014. Last updated on September 17, 2016.

The credit card charge GEM AMBULANCE LLC MD was first submitted to our database on April 03, 2014. It has not been reported by any users.

Have you seen GEM AMBULANCE LLC MD charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen GEM AMBULANCE LLC MD on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

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What people are saying...

Jo'Annette BelleDavid on September 17, 2016

On November 27, 2015, I suffered a heart attack. Gem Ambulance billed me several hundred dollars for transport from a residence in Germantown, MD to Shady Grove Adventist Hospital in Rockville, MD. I called to discuss the bill with them and they told me, "We can settle for $120.00, which I immediately paid by credit card. Sometimes later I received another bill from the county (Montgomery), which I ignored until receiving another. I called the county service to inform them that I had already paid this bill. The conversation led to the discovery that it was NOT GEM Ambulance that made the transport . Clearly I've been scammed!!!

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