First seen January 14, 2019. Last updated on December 06, 2024.

The credit card charge PBC-COLUMBIA MD 3301 was first submitted to our database on January 14, 2019. It has been deemed not suspicious by our users.

Have you seen PBC-COLUMBIA MD 3301 charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen PBC-COLUMBIA MD 3301 on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

46% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Charge Information

Merchant Vending machine (edit)
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Phone Click to Add
Category Vending machine (edit)
Description Click to Add

What people are saying...

LISA A WINGERD on January 14, 2019


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Austin on March 01, 2019

2 dollar charge on account, haven't purchased anything. suspicious af, don't trust this !$^#

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Austin on March 01, 2019

nvm im just dumb as ^$#!, i think its a vending machine charge. uuops

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Katie on March 28, 2019

It's for a vending machine charge. I saw it for $1.50 today and was confused...as I was sipping on the Diet Pepsi I'd just bought. Not a scam!

Helpful 4 0 Not Helpful
charles w. on March 28, 2019

It's not a scam. I thought it was too until i remembered that i used the vending machine 2 days earlier when i was in the court building.

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Melvin Hope Jr on May 01, 2019

April 30th, I remember swiping to get a drink from a vending machine...

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Not a scam on July 04, 2019

Walmart vending machine for .50c for a can of soda

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Vending Machine Charge on July 10, 2019

No matter the state

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Franny on July 31, 2019

Used vending machine @BWMC hospital in Glen Burnie. Not a scam.

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carlson on September 14, 2019

I used my card on a vending machine but I don't know why it would come up as PBC Columbia.

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Vending machine on September 16, 2019

vending machine charge

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Zippy on October 04, 2019

Pepsi vending machine at Ice House rink, Laurel

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Robert on November 10, 2019

It is a vending machine charge. Mine was 1.25

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Vending Machine Charge at UDC on December 10, 2019

I purchased an item from a vending machine today. Why does the item show up as a charge to PBC-Columbia MD? The charge was for $2.50.

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Brian on January 23, 2020

Vending Machine Water at Lifetime Fitness! It just dawned on me also!

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Mitchell on March 20, 2020

didn't make any purchase scam charge

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Alex on April 22, 2020

Vending machine

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Jerome Myles on May 04, 2020

What the ^$#! is this, taking my money and I haven’t a clue

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Ralph on May 11, 2020

Fraudulent charge. Crooks!

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rico on July 29, 2020

.08 charge for Wal mart sodas use cash!!

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Nicole on September 11, 2020

lol it was a vending machine charge for me. Thanks, ya'll.

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Lori on December 09, 2020

I've been at home for months, haven't been near a vending machine or used one before the pandemic. This is definitely a scam.

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Randolph somerville on February 03, 2021

Its a vending merchant soda machines its not a scam if you swipe your card on soda machine card reader

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Leroy pah on May 16, 2021

It's a vending machine. I was suspicious at first, and then realized I used the vending machine. 😂

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Shante on June 28, 2021

Was on my way home and got a notification that my card was used in Columbia md which is a good hour to an hour in a half away from where i was at that day and time. The charge was for today. So yes its a scam on my part.

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Mike on October 10, 2021

It’s a vending machine charge. The problem is the machine charges wether it gives you a drink or not

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Jack Thompson on March 08, 2022

I was literally at school all day and haven't used a vending machine at all. How the hell was a vending machine used under my card when I wasn't even there

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Cynthia on October 02, 2022

Recently got a PBC charge for $1.35 as well! I wasn’t in Columbia, MD.

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Rae on January 10, 2023

Supports a purchase I made at a vending machine.

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Deneen on February 23, 2023

I got a PBC charge and was able to verify with my bank. It was my vending machine charge.

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Brian on March 01, 2023

several charges , they all were vending machine charges while in the hospital waiting room

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donnell on March 27, 2023

I purchased a soda at walmart. I forgot about it until I read these comments . I thought my account was being tampered with.

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Joseph Smith on May 17, 2024

A charge on my Venmo statement for $2.15 is listed as “ PBC- -COLUMBIA MD 33”

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RAUL on July 17, 2024

La máquina expendedora me cobró pero la lata nunca cayó. Me cobraron por algo que no me dieron. Estafa.

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Its a Vending Machine on December 06, 2024

Definitely, Vending Machine.

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