PGI*YNG EXPLRS VIP 855-857-4327 MA 607801900001

First seen November 03, 2020. Last updated on February 13, 2025.

The credit card charge PGI*YNG EXPLRS VIP 855-857-4327 MA 607801900001 was first submitted to our database on November 03, 2020. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen PGI*YNG EXPLRS VIP 855-857-4327 MA 607801900001 charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen PGI*YNG EXPLRS VIP 855-857-4327 MA 607801900001 on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

91% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Charge Information

Merchant young & explorers toys (edit)
Website (edit)
Phone Click to Add
Category toy (edit)
Description electronic dance pad (edit)

What people are saying...

Ann M Lehmann on November 03, 2020

transaction date is 10/15 for $14.95

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Mommy makes sense on August 16, 2021

this is a scam charge. my mom keeps getting it.

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Debbie Lavely on November 06, 2021

I noticed this charge on Oct 18 for $14.95

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Liz on January 05, 2022

never got the item, and keep getting charges 14.95 per month for a vip membership i did not sign up for.

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Jim on April 15, 2022

Total Ripoff. I purchased an electronic game from their website and somehow got signed up for some VIP program that charged me $14.95 as a recurring payment. Beware!

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Heidi on July 03, 2022

Just noticed it on my bank statement as a recurring charge. Its a scam!!!!

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Pat on August 12, 2022

How can I get rid of this monthly charge to my credit card

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Kellie Glaze on February 02, 2023

I have been getting this charge for a while. I have no idea what it’s for. How do I stop and is there a way to get refunded for past charges?

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Pete I on April 28, 2023

THese guys are the WORST. I talked to a nice lady in customer service and she said 75% of the calls she takes every day is people who are being preyed on with these 14.95 charges. If you call them, you will get 4 months back. Once you escalate, you will get 2 months more back. the remainder, call your credit card company to file a complaint and you will get the remainder back (after awhile). I can't believe a company who sells KIDS TOYS employs predatory subscription pricing.

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Chas. on June 04, 2023

Just had a charge to my discover card that I did not make.

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elderconsumer on November 20, 2023

how do i report this and be refunded in total? how does this get prevented? just shreing being charged for months doesnt help. how to warn others of something that is scammed and only shows up after the theif? report the company that was where the info came from? for inadequite security for cc /band info?

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Meher Banajee on May 12, 2024

I noticed the charge last month.

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Carol Pyle on February 13, 2025

I was charged $14.00 - $21.00 per month for over a year. I never signed up for this and never received anything from them. First charged 12/2022.

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